After listening to extensive feedback from patients, visitors and staff about campus food service, ANTHC will fully assume operations of Food and Nutrition Services at the Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC) Cafeteria and Patient Housing Café beginning on May 1. Operating these services will allow us to continually assess and improve our food service operations and offerings. Additionally, the in-house management of Food and Nutrition Services (FANS), will allow ANTHC to expand our Traditional Foods program and offerings. In advance of the operational changes, ANTHC directly ...

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE On Wednesday, April 24, and Thursday, April 25, a drilling rig will be mobilized to drill bore holes in the east side hospital exterior, parking lot, and north of the hospital. This will result in vibration and noise. Drilling will happen during standard business hours. PARKING UPDATE Starting on Friday, April 26, construction crews will take over more of the ANMC hospital east side parking lot for construction staging. The east lot parking is reserved for patients. Additional parking ...

By Yereth Rosen – April 22, 2024 The Yup’ik village of Newtok, perched precariously on thawing permafrost at the edge of the rapidly eroding Ninglick River, is the first Alaska community to begin a full-scale relocation made necessary by climate change. Still, the progress of moving to a new village site that is significantly outpacing relocation efforts at other vulnerable Alaska communities, remains agonizingly slow, say those who are in the throes of the transformation. “There is no blueprint on ...

As winter loosens its grip and temperatures rise, many of us eagerly look forward to spring and summer activities, such as harvesting hooligan or picking greens. For many regions, the thawing of winter snow can bring danger. Floods triggered by melting snow, often referred to as snowmelt floods or spring thaws, pose significant risks to both property and lives. As the snow melts, it can overwhelm rivers, streams and drainage systems, leading to rapid rises in water levels. By taking ...

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium is committed to your family’s health and we are here to support your journey toward healing. We are focused on improving and expanding services. To meet federal requirements as we provide care, we must ensure patient eligibility documentation is current. At appointment check-in, patients may be asked for: We understand this process can be frustrating when your main focus is on healing. Our clinic staff recognizes patients may be frustrated while navigating a ...
Starting Monday, April 15, the former Dental entrance on the east side of the Alaska Native Medical Center hospital will be closed for Emergency Department construction. Please use alternate entrances and exits. PARKING UPDATE: Construction crews will take over more of the ANMC east side parking lot for construction staging. East lot parking is reserved for patients. Additional parking locations include: the ANMC Patient Housing Garage (north of the hospital), the Denali Parking Garage (east of the hospital), the Anchorage ...

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium has launched a multi-year project to improve and expand emergency services at the largest statewide Tribal hospital in Alaska, taking a historic step toward creating a modern system of care. “We are continually working toward our vision that Alaska Native people are the healthiest people in the world,” said ANTHC Board Chair Kimberley Strong. “To achieve our mission, the ANTHC Board of Directors approved a $257 million investment to expand the emergency room space for ...

Dr. Elizabeth Arteaga recently joined the ANMC division as Vice President of Patient Logistics. Arteaga has worked for ANTHC since 2015, where she started as a Registered Nurse in the Surgical Services department. Prior to her new position, Arteaga was the Director of Patient Experience. In her role as Vice President of Patient Logistics, Arteaga works to support the Travel Management Office and Patient Housing teams. “My multifaceted journey has become a realization of a lifelong dream that was inspired ...

Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers among Alaska Native people. Alaska Native men and women are two times more likely to get diagnosed with colon cancer than non-Natives. But there is hope, it is also one of the most preventable and treatable types of cancer. An important step to preventing colon cancer is to be screened. It is recommended that Alaska Native people should start screening at age 40. If you have a family history of ...

On March 8, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium will begin construction on the ANMC Emergency Department (ED) expansion. The initial phase will construct a temporary ED entrance in the southeast wing of the ANMC hospital, along with an exterior ambulance and patient drop off. Construction crews will gradually take over the east parking lot in phases and fence off areas for construction. During the first phase, there will be no changes for patients and visitors. Parking and access to ...