Starting Monday, April 15, the former Dental entrance on the east side of the Alaska Native Medical Center hospital will be closed for Emergency Department construction. Please use alternate entrances and exits. PARKING UPDATE: Construction crews will take over more of the ANMC east side parking lot for construction staging. East lot parking is reserved for patients. Additional parking locations include: the ANMC Patient Housing Garage (north of the hospital), the Denali Parking Garage (east of the hospital), the Anchorage ...

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium has launched a multi-year project to improve and expand emergency services at the largest statewide Tribal hospital in Alaska, taking a historic step toward creating a modern system of care. “We are continually working toward our vision that Alaska Native people are the healthiest people in the world,” said ANTHC Board Chair Kimberley Strong. “To achieve our mission, the ANTHC Board of Directors approved a $257 million investment to expand the emergency room space for ...

Dr. Elizabeth Arteaga recently joined the ANMC division as Vice President of Patient Logistics. Arteaga has worked for ANTHC since 2015, where she started as a Registered Nurse in the Surgical Services department. Prior to her new position, Arteaga was the Director of Patient Experience. In her role as Vice President of Patient Logistics, Arteaga works to support the Travel Management Office and Patient Housing teams. “My multifaceted journey has become a realization of a lifelong dream that was inspired ...

Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers among Alaska Native people. Alaska Native men and women are two times more likely to get diagnosed with colon cancer than non-Natives. But there is hope, it is also one of the most preventable and treatable types of cancer. An important step to preventing colon cancer is to be screened. It is recommended that Alaska Native people should start screening at age 40. If you have a family history of ...

On March 8, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium will begin construction on the ANMC Emergency Department (ED) expansion. The initial phase will construct a temporary ED entrance in the southeast wing of the ANMC hospital, along with an exterior ambulance and patient drop off. Construction crews will gradually take over the east parking lot in phases and fence off areas for construction. During the first phase, there will be no changes for patients and visitors. Parking and access to ...

Sarah Mattie, ANTHC RN, has been named as a 2024 Go Red for Women ambassador! She is one of eight Alaska women to be chosen as an ambassador. “As a heart failure survivor and congenital heart disease carrier, the Go Red for Women campaign is so important to me because it serves to educate women on the signs and symptoms and how to advocate for the proper treatment and care,” Mattie said. “It took nearly a year after my first ...

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) released The Unmet Needs of Environmentally Threatened Alaska Native Villages: Assessment and Recommendations. The nationally significant Unmet Needs Report recommends comprehensive policy changes and robust resources to support Alaska Tribal communities adapting to climate change. The report is the result of a unique partnership between ANTHC, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the State of Alaska. The report includes contributions of more than 150 people—representing 11 Tribal communities and seven Tribal organizations. “The ...

On Jan. 8, the new ANTHC Orthopedics Clinic opened in the University Lake Medical Center (ULMC), located at 3801 University Lake Drive. The new Orthopedics Clinic is located on the third floor and features 21 exam rooms, two procedure rooms for ultrasound-guided injections, and a casting room to provide comprehensive orthopedic services for all ages. The clinic also includes two dedicated X-ray rooms for convenient on-site diagnostics. In addition, physical therapy services are co-located within the clinic, including two additional ...

Clara McConnell recently joined the ANMC division as staff wellness director. McConnell has worked for ANTHC since 2018. Prior to her new position, she was a Wellness and Prevention project manager in Community Health Services. McConnell is Iñupiaq and a Tribal member of the Native Village of Kotzebue. She was raised in Kotzebue, a northwest Arctic community located 36 miles above the Arctic Circle.     “As a Tribal member, I value the role my position at ANTHC plays in contributing to and ...

Dr. Ryan Wilson started at ANTHC in July 2023, working as a neurologist at the Alaska Native Medical Center. Dr. Wilson grew up in Wasilla, Alaska. His family is Iñupiat from White Mountain and Unalakleet.   “Returning home to Alaska to serve the Alaska Native people has been a lifelong dream, and the motivating factor to pursue medical education and become a neurologist,” Wilson said. At the core, Dr. Wilson sees his role as a provider is to be a teacher. ...