Recognizing behavioral health services can be difficult to access in Alaska, ANTHC’s Behavioral Health Wellness Clinic (BHWC) offers patients video telehealth appointments for easy connection to compassionate care in communities across the state from the privacy of their own homes The clinic’s goal is to promote Alaska Native wellness by offering immediate access to culturally attuned and evidence-based behavioral health care. With this telehealth clinic, staff are specifically focused on serving people living in rural and remote areas of the ...

Each year the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium recognizes teams andindividuals for their special contributions to ANTHC and the Alaska NativeMedical Center. ANTHC President/CEO Val Davidson announces our employees andteams of the year, and the President’s Service Awardee for 2021. Please join us in congratulating our honorees for their contributions andoutstanding work this past year! The 2021 employees of the year: • Alyssa Krosbakken, ANTHC Grants and Development • Conor Ferguson, ANTHC Human Resources • DeAngelo Hatton, ANMC Patient Housing ...

Even though events and hospital visits may have been postponed over the last few years, colorectal cancer screening is essential and should not be delayed. Alaska Native men and women are two times more likely to get diagnosed with colon cancer than non-Natives. The good news is that colorectal cancer can be prevented through early screening and detection. Alaska Native people should get checked for colorectal cancer starting at age 40, or earlier if you have a family history of ...

March is Social Work Month, which raises awareness about professional social workers and their commitment to improving social conditions and quality of life opportunities for patients and families at ANMC. Social Work Month provides an opportunity to recognize ANMC’s dedicated social workers and the valuable services they provide. The ANMC hospital has six social workers – Deanna Thomas, LCSW; Paulette Bryan, LMSW; Michelle Kimbrell, LCSW; Claire Barber, LMSW; Lisa Typpo, BSW; and Spark Perry, LCSW. The ANMC Oncology Clinic has ...

Help us celebrate and cheer on our friends, neighbors, relatives and everyone in recovery! This March is Alaska’s fifth statewide Sobriety Awareness Month. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see how people across the state are talking about sobriety. Discover the ways that culture, community, health and support inspire Alaskans in their recovery journeys. Join the #AKSobrietyAwareness conversation each week by commenting with what recovery means to you! We also encourage everyone to wear a white ribbon throughout the month to promote ...

Now more than ever, it is important to make sure you are keeping up with preventative and routine specialty health appointments.  Like many health care organizations, ANMC has seen a decline in patients seeking care for emergency and chronic conditions since the emergence of COVID-19. ANMC has safely reopened its specialty care clinics for in-person appointments, including elective surgeries, cancer screenings such as mammograms and colonoscopies, and other health care needs that are difficult to complete over telehealth video appointments. ...

Jacque Quantrille, ANMC Director of Nursing, Critical Care, Progressive Care and Respiratory Therapy, was recently presented with the LifeSaver Award. A LifeSaver Award award is given to one individual per month across LifeCenter Northwest’s four-state, 230-hospital donation service area, and it honors those who demonstrate a commitment to improving donation outcomes and culture through their actions, time and energy. LifeCenter Northwest recently worked with ANMC to evaluate a potential organ donor following a timely donation referral. At the time, ANMC ...

Running water is something most of us take for granted. Turn a tap and it is there, safe and clean. In remote Alaska communities, running water is another story, one that, at its heart, belongs to the unsung master of the water treatment plant: its operator. “It takes a certain kind of person to do this job,” Brian Berube, senior program manager at ANTHC, recently said of Alaska’s small water treatment plant operators. “Water plant operators care deeply about their ...

Congratulations to Capt. Hugh Denny, Indian Health Service Alaska Area and members of the ANTHC Environmental Health and Engineering for having been selected as the 2021 Department of Energy, Federal Energy and Water Management Award winners.  Capt. Denny and members of ANTHC Environmental Health and Engineering are recognized for their collaboration and efforts that are vital to the sustainability of facilities in rural Alaska. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Indian Health Service (IHS) Alaska Area and ...

ANTHC recognized World AIDS Awareness Day on Wednesday, Dec. 1, and encouraged Alaskans to seek HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing options, such as self-testing. This service bridges the gap for many people living in remote and rural Alaska where access to HIV testing is limited or there are concerns about privacy and confidentiality. While positive results do need to be confirmed with an in-person appointment, self-tests can limit visits to the clinic and increase access to HIV and ...