Resources and Training

Coffee Break Training: Online training sessions offered by the U.S. Fire Administration that provide skill-enhancing training and administrative tips.
The IHS Environmental Health Support Center: The IHS EHSC offers a number of training courses related to environmental health and engineering.
Pacific Northwest OSHA Education Center: The University of Washington Pacific Northwest Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Education Center provides high quality, OSHA standards-based training for the private and public sectors in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska.
Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention’s (OSAP) Interactive Guide to the CDC Guidelines: The goal of this course is to prevent or reduce the risk of disease transmission among patients and dental health care professionals.
Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) Health care Leadership for Mass Casualty Incidents (HCL): The Health care Leadership for All-Hazards Incidents (HCL) is a four-day course which exposes health care professionals to the dynamics involved in the decision making processes during an all-hazards disaster involving mass casualties.
Alaska Professional Conference Opportunities
Alaska Occupational Safety Summit
Alaska Tribal Conference on Environmental Management (ATCEM)
Alaska Public Health Association (ALPHA) Health Summit
Alaska Society of Health Care Managers and Engineers (ASHME)
Certification Opportunities for Safety Officers
Certified Health Care Environmental Manager (CHEM): Nationally Recognized Certification Program ECRI Institute’s CHEM provides continuing education and certification for acute and long-term health care environmental safety and security professionals worldwide. Recertification required every three years.
Certified Health Care Safety Professional (CHSP): The CHSP would be appropriate for safety directors, patient safety officers, security managers, maintenance or plant operations directors, support services executives, environment of care coordinators, environmental services directors, compliance coordinators, safe committee members, risk managers, quality coordinators, nursing supervisors, health care consultants, physicians, biomedical professionals, hazardous materials specialists, health care consultants, safety or insurance consultants, and other qualified health care professionals.
Certified Health Care Emergency Professional (CHEP): The CHEP was developed to meet the need for a practical but professional certification for health care emergency executives, managers, coordinators and associates.
Guidelines for Environmental Health Practices at Village Health Clinics: Document developed as a tool for staff conducting environmental health surveys of village health clinics (VHCs) in rural Alaska. Environmental health staff, health aides and other health practitioners may also use these guidelines for appropriate environmental health operations within the facilities.
Meet your IEH consultants
IEH Brochure
Village Health Clinic Survey Checklist
Links to External Resources
Institutional Environmental Health
(907) 729-3600