Hazardous Materials and Waste

Hazardous Materials & Waste
When working with hazardous materials, consideration should be given to occupational exposures, environmental impact, and transportation requirements for waste disposal. ANTHC’s Institutional Environmental Health program works with Tribal health facilities and provides consultative services to ensure hazardous materials and waste such as mercury, lead, and regulated medical waste are safely managed and properly disposed.
The Institutional Environmental Health program provides monitoring and sampling for hazardous materials for both occupational exposures and environmental impact. In addition, they offer training for rural clinics on shipping regulated medical waste. The program also provides consultation for pharmacies on Resource Conservation and Recovery Act pharmaceutical waste management.
How to use Hazardous Materials Regulations
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Orientation Manual
Compounded Sterile Preparations
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) General Chapter 797 Pharmaceutical Compounding – Sterile Preparations, requires several environmental controls and monitoring to ensure consistent and good quality medications are delivered to patients. This includes microbial monitoring and particulate counting in buffer and preparation areas where compounded sterile preparations are processed. ANTHC’s Institutional Environmental Health program can provide viable and non-viable particulate sampling in accordance with USP 797 guidelines. We can also provide technical assistance, review policies and procedures, and provide plan reviews for new or renovated pharmacies.