Category: Healthy People and Prevention

Missing out on regular activities is a common story across Alaska. As we begin to put dates back on our calendars, remember to put your health care appointments back in too. Chronic conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure don’t take a break during a pandemic. Children still need their well-child visits and immunizations to be protected from diseases. Cancer can still spread undetected and heart attacks can still strike. Your health is important. Protect it now and in the ...

Intro note: As we begin to put dates back on our calendars, remember to put your health care appointments and preventive screenings back in too. ANMC has safely reopened its specialty care clinics for cancer screenings and other health care needs difficult to complete over telehealth video appointments. Call your provider about options available and learn about what we’re doing to keep patients and staff safe during COVID-19. This story shares the importance of early colorectal cancer screening for Alaska ...

Washing your hands and physical distancing are helping us prevent COVID-19 spread, just like keeping up on immunizations helps prevent many other dangerous illnesses. Immunizations are key to maintaining children’s health. From babies to teenagers, if your child is scheduled for a routine vaccination, don’t wait! Well-child visits and routine immunizations are important, especially now. Children keep growing and it’s important that they stay on track with checkups and vaccinations. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals and clinics have taken ...

ANTHC recognizes that people who are experiencing violence in their families and relationships may also be experiencing increased isolation and danger during the COVID-19 health mandates, which require all Alaskans, except critical and essential workers, to remain in their place of residence as much as possible and practice social distancing. Survivors often have specific needs around safety, health, and confidentiality, which are becoming harder to access due to the need for social distancing. However, it is important for all victims ...

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a disease that affects the respiratory system, which primarily includes your lungs and your ability to breathe. Smokers and people using vape pens or e-cigarettes may have less efficient lungs and may be hit harder by breathing issues resulting from the virus. ANTHC and the State of Alaska have resources available for quitting smoking, vaping and other tobacco product use. Contact the Alaska Tobacco Quit Line at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) to learn more about free services ...

Spending time in isolation and missing regular support groups and other recovery services can be difficult. Self-isolation can lead to boredom, which can be a trigger for addictive behaviors. The ANTHC Substance Misuse Prevention Program is committed to providing support resources during this time while continuing to celebrate your recovery path through Sobriety Awareness Month. If you are feeling lonely and overwhelmed by COVID-19 news, here are a few suggestions on how to remain connected to friends, family and recovery ...