Category: Healthy People and Prevention

The ANTHC HIV/STD Prevention Program is excited to announce a new multimedia educational campaign free to people and communities in Alaska – Safe in the Village. Safe in the Village is a culturally relevant video program to help open up conversations about healthy relationships and safe behaviors with Alaska Native youth. The program was developed for youth ages 15-19 but is also suitable for middle-school aged youth. The Safe in the Village program has two components: 1) A 30-minute movie ...

In July, ANTHC’s Tobacco Prevention Program was awarded a State Partnership Initiative grant from the Office of Minority Health to reduce tobacco use among Alaska Native adults in the North Slope Borough. To accomplish the objectives in this grant, key strategies for the ANTHC Tobacco Prevention Program are working with the North Slope Borough Health Department (NSBHD) and Arctic Slope Native Association (ASNA) to: 1) integrate tobacco screening, education and treatment into routine health care practices, 2) develop two culturally ...

ANTHC adopted a tobacco-free campus policy in 2006 to protect the health of our people, our visitors and our staff. To further improve the health of our people, the ANTHC Tobacco Cessation Program provides assistance in quitting tobacco use and is available free of charge to staff and patients. A story on how the ANTHC Tobacco Cessation Program helped ANTHC employee Holly Reimer quit smoking was featured in the Alaska Dispatch News this week. You can read that story here: ...

A new public service announcement from the Healthy Futures program shows how Alaska Native role models across Alaska stay active, thanks to support from ANTHC, Skiku Nordic ski program and music group Pamyua. The video highlights the importance of daily physical activity to reduce childhood obesity and encourages participation the Healthy Futures Challenge that offers rewards and incentives for students at participating schools. The video and a list of participating schools are available at Healthy Futures empowers Alaska’s youth ...

ANTHC is proud to support “Day 001: Voices of Recovery,” a media campaign celebrating Alaskans who share their stories of alcohol addiction and the moment when they decided to move on from their addiction. The Day 001 video series shares true stories of a diverse group of Alaskans from professionals to students to artists. The videos help present alcohol addiction recovery as a healthy part of life and show other Alaskans struggling with alcohol abuse that recovery is achievable. With ...

Did you know that 78 percent of Alaska high school students do not drink alcohol? Last week, ANTHC Substance Abuse Prevention program staff shared this fact and others for National Drug Facts Week, an opportunity to link students with scientists and other experts to counteract the myths about drugs and alcohol that teens get from the internet, TV, movies, music, or from friends. A highlight of the program was a presentation from youth involved in the “Be [You]” media campaign ...