Category: Healthy People and Prevention

Be a hero. Carry naloxone. ANTHC encourages community members to join us for a naloxone drive-thru training and distribution event on Saturday, Sept. 16 from noon-3 p.m., at the Alaska Native Health Campus in the parking lot next to the pond, southwest of the ANMC hospital. All community members are welcome. Fentanyl has been fueling the opioid epidemic. Fentanyl-related deaths have dramatically increased in Alaska. Learn how to recognize signs of an opioid overdose and how to administer naloxone, a ...

Leandra Beech, Siberian Yupik, is making a positive impact on the dental health of some of the smallest patients visiting the Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC) hospital.  Beech, a Dental Health Aide/Therapist (DHAT) Instructor/Practitioner, recently began screening patients and providing preventive services at ANMC Inpatient Pediatrics.  “As an Alaska Native provider, I am honored and proud to provide care to my people,” Beech said. “I strive to make an impact on their dental care and hope to serve as a ...

Help us celebrate and cheer on our friends, neighbors, relatives and everyone in recovery! This March is Alaska’s sixth statewide Sobriety Awareness Month. We encourage everyone to wear a white ribbon throughout the month to promote awareness of mental health and substance misuse disorders, celebrate individuals in long-term recovery and acknowledge the work of prevention, treatment and recovery support services. Looking for ways to get involved? Here are some additional ways to help provide support:

Calling all young artists! Alaskans ages 10-25 are invited to submit to 988 Create! to inform their peers about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Submitted artwork, due March 1, should help inform your peers about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline – and fit the contest theme of Safety, Hope, Encouragement and Support.  Youth can submit their unique creation to the 988 Create! art contest, get a chance to win one of five $150 gift cards – and help ...

The ANTHC Behavioral Health Wellness Clinic (BHWC) offers counseling services for our Alaska Native and American Indian patients across Alaska. This includes a variety of groups that you can access from the convenience of your personal computer or smartphone. To register for a group or to learn more information about the services available, call (907) 729-2492 or visit  The BHWC is currently inviting adults to register for two new group sessions. ACT on Your Recovery ACT on Your Recovery ...

ANTHC recognized World AIDS Awareness Day on Thursday, Dec. 1, and encouraged Alaskans to seek HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing options, such as self-testing. This service bridges the gap for many people living in remote and rural areas of Alaska where access to HIV testing is limited or there are concerns about privacy and confidentiality. While positive results do need to be confirmed with an in-person appointment, self-tests can limit visits to the clinic and increase access to HIV and STI ...