Category: Healthy People and Prevention

Whether we live in rural Alaska or a large city center, protecting our families at home is important to us all. While many think of protecting our homes from outside threats, there are many things inside our homes that could harm our families. Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium’s Behavioral Health and ANTHC Injury Prevention want you to think about keeping your home and family safe during National Poison Prevention Week, March 19-25. A growing risk to our health is accidental ...

Earlier this month, advocates for Tribal diabetes prevention and treatment programs met with federal lawmakers and their staff to share the value of the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI), a vital program helping improve the health of our people. The meetings were arranged by the National Indian Health Board to advocate for continued congressional funding of the program. The 19 Tribal health organizations receiving SDPI funding are represented at the national level by ANTHC Board Vice-Chair Lincoln Bean, Sr. ...

ANTHC’s Health Promotion program was awarded a competitive grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for Food Distribution Program Nutrition Education (FDPNE) in 2016. This funding allows grantees to provide nutrition education services to Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservation (FDPIR) participants. ANTHC’s FDPIR provides a monthly supply of nutritional food to more than 700 people in 18 rural Alaska communities. In an effort to promote healthy eating habits, encourage the use of more fruits and vegetables and share new ...

Smoking negatively impacts our Native communities throughout Alaska, but few know it as well as our people living in the North Slope region. Cancer is the leading cause of death in the North Slope; one in four diagnosed cancers is lung cancer. To combat the repercussions of smoking, North Slope Borough has partnered with ANTHC and the Alaska Quit Line to let our Native community know that resources to quit are available. Titled “I Never Thought It Could Happen to ...

The ANTHC Diabetes Program has new office space on the first floor of Healthy Communities Building and is using its central location to celebrate the traditional subsistence activities that help keep our people healthy. Visitors to the lobby of the Healthy Communities Building will see new murals with the theme, “Hunt, Fish, Gather, Grow,” which have been featured in other Diabetes Program materials as a way to show how traditional foods contribute to a healthy lifestyle. The colorful artwork is ...

The ANTHC Tobacco Prevention Program is working with our Tribal health partners to offer online tobacco treatment specialist (TTS) training. Three participants from each Tribal health region are invited to take the online course beginning January 11 and ending March 22. The Tobacco Prevention Program first tested the training this spring on the Alaska Native Health Campus with ANMC providers and other partners. This second pilot course will help inform course improvements before going live for other participants later in ...