Category: Healthy People and Prevention
The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium is pleased to partner with the World Hepatitis Alliance to host the Second World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Viral Hepatitis, Aug. 8-9 in Anchorage at Alaska Pacific University. The conference will welcome Indigenous peoples and providers from across the globe to further the conversation on viral hepatitis in Indigenous communities. The event is led by Indigenous people and is designed for Indigenous peoples, clinicians, and those working in Indigenous health, including the Alaska Tribal ...
At the Alaska Native Medical Center, you can find patients and visitors enjoying a variety of traditional foods from our Alaska Native cultures. People dining in the cafeteria can order fry bread, a number of meals with salmon and reindeer, halibut, cod, and our Patient Housing Café has a wide variety of new ways to enjoy traditional foods, such as beach asparagus and fiddlehead fern pizza! The items have been wildly popular and the demand for traditional foods is high. ...
On April 8, ANTHC was recognized by the American Diabetes Association, Alaska as the recipient of the 2017 Golden Rose Award, an honor for an individual or organization who has made a significant impact in the field of diabetes in Alaska. Key programs of the ANTHC Diabetes Program were highlighted as examples of high-quality care for preventing diabetes and improving the health of people with diabetes. Program staff are a multidisciplinary team of diabetes content experts who work in partnership ...
Whether we live in rural Alaska or a large city center, protecting our families at home is important to us all. While many think of protecting our homes from outside threats, there are many things inside our homes that could harm our families. Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium’s Behavioral Health and ANTHC Injury Prevention want you to think about keeping your home and family safe during National Poison Prevention Week, March 19-25. A growing risk to our health is accidental ...
Alaska Tribes share diabetes program success with federal lawmakers
Earlier this month, advocates for Tribal diabetes prevention and treatment programs met with federal lawmakers and their staff to share the value of the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI), a vital program helping improve the health of our people. The meetings were arranged by the National Indian Health Board to advocate for continued congressional funding of the program. The 19 Tribal health organizations receiving SDPI funding are represented at the national level by ANTHC Board Vice-Chair Lincoln Bean, Sr. ...
ANTHC’s Health Promotion program was awarded a competitive grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for Food Distribution Program Nutrition Education (FDPNE) in 2016. This funding allows grantees to provide nutrition education services to Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservation (FDPIR) participants. ANTHC’s FDPIR provides a monthly supply of nutritional food to more than 700 people in 18 rural Alaska communities. In an effort to promote healthy eating habits, encourage the use of more fruits and vegetables and share new ...