Category: Healthy People and Prevention
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month; colorectal cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers among Alaska Native people. To help shed some light on the colonoscopy cancer screening procedure, ANTHC is republishing a story from our archives that can also be found in the current issue of the Mukluk Telegraph. Health care professionals and survivors say embarrassment is no excuse for skipping the screening that could save your life Jake Martus has heard every excuse. As a patient ...
Behavioral and mental wellness are important, yet often underserved, parts of individual and community health in rural Alaska. In order to better serve our Alaska Native people throughout the state, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium has partnered with Iļisaġvik College to develop an academic program to grow a community-based behavioral health workforce. The training curriculum was designed by ANTHC Behavioral Health Aide Program and is specifically tailored for Behavioral Health Aides (BHA) who are serving our people in rural communities. ...
January is National Eye Care Month
Everyone should remember to get eye exams regularly, but they are especially important for Elders. January is National Eye Care Month and a good time to recognize the importance of eye health. Why are eye exams essential for Elders? As we age, eye exams become even more important. Vision problems may develop with no physical symptoms until they’re quite advanced. See your provider to screen for early stages in: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)GlaucomaCataractsDiabetic retinopathyRefractive errors Scheduling an annual eye exam ...
The fall season often means the return of moose stew, moose burgers and moose meat. Thanks to a generous donation by a local hunter, ANMC patients will get to enjoy these comforting foods that help in the healing process. Joe Schuster, from Sportsman’s Air Service, Alaska Professional Hunting Association Board Member, donated four moose quarters to ANMC’s Traditional Foods Program on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Executive Chef Amy Foote (left), ANMC VP of Professional and Support Services Vivian Echavarria (middle right) ...
New PSA asks families to lock up potentially harmful poisons
When thinking of dangerous household poisons, your first thoughts might be of the old “Mr. Yuck” stickers and cleaning products under the kitchen sink. However, if taken improperly, medications and alcohol can also potentially act as lethal poisons. Accidental poisoning from prescription medications, especially opioids, has been on the rise in Alaska. These harmful poisons are having a devastating impact in our Native community. From 2002-2011, all types of prescription and illicit drugs accounted for 51 percent of poisoning deaths ...
Water is a resource vital to the health and wellness of our people. To help guide Alaska Native and American Indian communities managing and operating their water systems, the National Tribal Water Center (NTWC) has created an interactive, online resource: Our Water toolkit. NTWC developed the Our Water toolkit to help educate and support action planning in order to ensure sustainable access to safe water and maximize health benefits in our Native communities.The Our Water toolkit is designed to assist ...