Category: Healthy People and Prevention

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2019 – 2020 ANTHC $5,000 Scholarship. This scholarship was established by the ANTHC Board of Directors to support Alaska Native and American Indian students pursuing higher education in health care related fields. Students may use the scholarship for room/board, tuition, books, or fees during the fall 2019 and spring 2020 terms. Congratulations to our scholarship recipients: Kevin Hansen, Native Village of Kotzebue, is pursuing a Doctor of Physical Therapy from the ...

The American Cancer Society – Alaska Advisory Board honored the Consortium this summer, along with five fellow contributors to cancer recovery. ANTHC was the first organization in Alaska selected for the 2019 Innovator Champion Award for dedicating expertise and ingenuity to fight cancer in Alaska Native communities and beyond.  Many Alaskans experience the challenging toll of cancer. The ANMC Oncology and Hematology Clinic specializes in providing a range of services for our people. The Consortium’s Cancer Program within ANTHC Community ...

In 2017, there were 102 overdose deaths involving opioids throughout the state of Alaska—a rate of 13.9 per 100,000 persons. Prescription opioids (such as hydrocodone, oxycodone and morphine) are prescribed by doctors to treat moderate to severe pain. However, they have serious risks and side effects, including dependency, addiction, overdose and accidental poisoning. In order to assist in the prevention of substance misuse and accidental poisoning, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium now provides free medicine disposal products through the iknowmine ...

September is National Recovery Month. Observing Recovery Month helps to increase awareness and understanding of substance use disorders, increase knowledge of recovery resources, and provide support by sharing personal stories of addiction and recovery. The theme for Recovery Month 2019 is Join the Voices for Recovery: Together We Are Stronger. Recovery is a lifelong process of improving health and well-being while living independently. Many people suffering from addiction achieve sobriety, but recovery can be more difficult. Recovery involves changing your outlook ...

It is difficult to see a family member or loved one deal with substance misuse. Often, living close to someone who misuses substances, such as alcohol, drugs or prescription opioids, puts a strain on the entire family. A new therapy being offered in Anchorage at the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (APIA), in partnership with ANTHC, offers hope to families who have someone that suffers from substance misuse. Family members and friends know their loved ones best, making them some of ...

September is recognized as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. This year, ANTHC is participating in a number of awareness events throughout the month to help start conversations about suicide and raise awareness. We can all prevent suicide and help save a life. If you need immediate help or someone you know is in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, please talk to someone you trust, call 911 or call the Alaska Careline at 1-877-266-4357. The Alaska Careline Crisis line is here ...