Category: Healthy Homes and Communities

Last week, ANTHC Tribal Utility Support Journeyman Electrician Kolt Garvey joined an emergency response team in Unalakleet to repair a wastewater lift station pump, which is used to move wastewater without costly construction. In the interim, Unalakleet operated a pumper truck to keep the lift station pumping after the station failure, but the process was labor and equipment intensive leading to greater energy and time costs for the city. ANTHC joined the emergency response led by the State of Alaska ...

When ANTHC construction crews completed work for the Koyukuk health clinic and community water treatment facility this summer, they helped make sure that the job was completed to the end. This meant assisting the city-owned landfill in a clean-up project from leftover construction materials, which helps to sustain the landfill for future use and health and safety of residents. ANTHC’s work in Koyukuk included building a gravel pad for the new community health clinic, a remodel of the water treatment ...

On Thursday, September 3, ANTHC Environmental Health and Engineering and the City of Ouzinkie held a dedication ceremony for the Kelly Larson Memorial Dam. During the ceremony, a plaque was unveiled honoring Kelly Larson, an ANTHC Senior Project Manager who passed away in 2012 and led the charge in delivering clean and reliable drinking water to the Spruce Island community. The $2.3 million project replaced a deteriorating wooden dam, constructed in 1986, with a new, state-of-the art concrete faced rock-fill ...

ANTHC was among four organizations that were recently recognized with an inaugural United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary’s Award for Healthy Homes, which recognizes excellence in healthy housing innovation. On July 13, HUD Secretary Julián Castro presented ANTHC with the award and recognized the four awardees for their work. “From reducing secondhand smoke to improving the lives of children with asthma and allergies, these organizations are leading the way in creating healthy environments for families to ...

ANTHC’s Environmental Health and Engineering work focuses on bringing health solutions to rural communities through access to clean water that supports health and well-being. For many homes and communities, this is possible through upgrades and improvements to water and wastewater systems. For communities without existing systems, new construction may not be available due to environmental challenges, decreasing availability of capital funding or the high cost of operation. In these cases, alternatives must be tailored to the environmental conditions, homeowner needs, ...

ANTHC’s Environmental Health Consultation program has been selected to receive the EPA’s 2015 Clean Air Excellence – Gregg Cooke Visionary Program Award. The award is widely considered the nation’s top honor for programs and organizations making progress to achieve clean air. The award was presented this week during a ceremony on April 21 in Washington, DC. The awardee must directly reduce pollutant emissions, demonstrate innovation, offer sustainable outcomes, and provide a model for others to follow. Past recipients include SC ...