Category: Healthy Homes and Communities

ANTHC is co-locating a Climate Change Adaptation Program with the Denali Commission’s Environmentally Threatened Communities Program. Program Manager Don Antrobus will work with the Commission’s Federal Co-chair, Director of Programs and Commissioners, as well as federal agencies, the State of Alaska and local stakeholders to develop and implement strategies to support community resiliency in the face of climate change. Climate change is an important issue to the health of our people and our communities. Over the past 60 years, the ...

When water treatment facilities are upgraded or improved, it gives Environmental Health and Engineering staff and leaders a great sense of pride when people are appreciated and recognized by a community. This happened in Igiugig, Alaska when the upgrades to the community’s water treatment plant were completed. Jim Dullinger, ANTHC Senior Journeyman Plumber, was recognized by the Igiugig Village Council for the care and attention he gave to the water treatment plant project. AlexAnna Salmon of the Igiugig Village Council ...

The State of Alaska recently approved $740,000 of funding for upgrades and energy efficiency improvements for the Holy Cross, Kiana and Noorvik water and sewer systems. The funding will be used to improve sustainability and lower water system operating costs in these communities. Many of the upgrades and energy improvements were identified by energy audits completed by the ANTHC Rural Energy Initiative. The savings from these energy efficiency improvements can be significant; the Noorvik energy audit expects an annual savings ...

ANTHC’s Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative (ARUC) program has been selected as a semifinalist for the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Governance Honoring Nations award. ARUC is noted for its Tribal partnerships that empower rural villages to sustainably provide safe water and sanitation services that positively impact the health of our people. Honoring Nations is an awards program that identifies, celebrates, and shares outstanding examples of Tribal governance. Eighty-three applications were received and 18 were selected as semifinalists for ...

Public health concerns about lead in drinking water have increased due to recent reports detailing contamination of the public water supply in Flint, Michigan. Lead can enter the drinking water supply when pipelines or fixtures containing lead materials corrode. Drinking water can corrode pipes or fixtures when water in the system has high acidity or mineral content. A recent article in an Anchorage newspaper highlighted the issue in Michigan and referenced a number of locations around Alaska where testing has ...

ANTHC construction crews recently started work on a heat recovery energy project for the Noorvik water utility that is projected to save 16,000 gallons of heating fuel annually once completed. The project will capture excess heat energy from the community power plant and use it as an alternative energy source. Construction is scheduled to wrap up before the beginning of winter. This heat recovery project is one of dozens of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects from ANTHC’s Rural Energy ...