Category: Healthy Homes and Communities

ANTHC’s Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative (ARUC) program is one of six finalists selected to advance to the site visit round for the Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Governance Honoring Nations award. From an initial field of 87 applicants, ARUC is noted for its Tribal partnerships that empower rural villages to sustainably provide safe water and sanitation services that positively impact the health of our people. The prestigious Honoring Nations Award identifies, celebrates and shares exemplary programs in Tribal ...

ANTHC was selected by the State of Alaska as a qualified Energy Efficiency Project Developer. This selection puts ANTHC on a short list of service providers that will be distributed to government entities in Alaska such as boroughs, municipalities, Tribal governments, school districts, or subdivisions of local governments who are considering energy efficiency projects. ANTHC scored among the top 10 responding proposals to the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities request for statements of interest and qualifications. The ANTHC ...

This summer, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium’s Environmental Health and Engineering is partnering with the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) through their Acceleration Academy through engineering related demonstrations and learning activities. According to ANSEP’s website, the Acceleration Academy is “Designed to develop students academically and socially for college, while creating excitement around STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree programs and careers.” ANTHC employees Michael Nabers (ANSEP alumni) and Gunner Hodgson, Associate Engineering Project Managers, with the ...

Earlier this year, climate conditions in Eek posed unique challenges and created an opportunity for Environmental Health and Engineering staff to display their high caliber of team work and problem solving skills and provide Eek residents with a year-round water supply with a newly installed water intake system. Construction staff were waiting for the ice on the Eenayarak River to freeze to a depth thick enough to support an excavator used to install the water intake structure. However, the ice ...

ANTHC’s Rural Energy Initiative recently received its fifth consecutive Green Champion Award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for its innovative work in alternative energy to replace diesel stoves with biomass boilers to heat public utilities. The awards honor HHS employees and Alaska Native and Native American Tribal members involved in outstanding sustainability projects and demonstrate measureable results in sustainability practices. The Rural Energy Initiative’s biomass boiler projects have been constructed in the communities of Hughes, ...

Earlier this month, the community of Russian Mission, Alaska celebrated Tribal water management through a series of “Water is Life” events that included paint marbling with school children, a water bingo night, a movie night, and a mural unveiling. The Water is Life project is a partnership between the National Tribal Water Center, the Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative (ARUC), the City of Russian Mission, Iqurmiut Traditional Council and the Russian Mission School. Through the events, the Water is Life project ...