Category: Healthy Homes and Communities
EPA announces $2 million to assist Tribes’ brownfields efforts
To address the unique issues of brownfields that our Tribes face, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, in partnership with Kansas State University (KSU), will lead an effort in providing specialized Technical Assistance to Tribal Communities Addressing Brownfields. Brownfields are properties with hazardous substances, pollutants or other contaminants present. As the recipients of this five-year, $2 million U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-funded award, the project team of prominent Tribal organizations and experts, under the mentorship of KSU, will provide Tribal solutions ...
Heat recovery project completed in Noorvik
ANTHC construction crews recently completed work on the heat recovery energy project. The City of Noorvik’s water and wastewater system is now reaping the benefits of a heat recovery system. In a celebratory public council meeting Monday, Dec. 19, ANTHC Rural Energy Initiative’s Eric Hanssen, along with the ARUC program’s Chris Cox, Francine Moreno, and Alaska Rural Water Association’s (ARWA) Sean Berry, shared the good news about the completed project and benefits to system customers. Beginning in February, residents will ...
ANTHC staff start work to help relocate Newtok
As climate change threatens many locations in Alaska, the village of Newtok in the Yukon-Kuskokwim region prepares to relocate their village to a new site, Mertarvik, which will be protected from erosion and thawing permafrost. ANTHC Survey and Engineering crews recently conducted a site visit to the Mertarvik site to collect topographical survey data for the development of the new community. The team worked through challenging weather conditions and off-grid lodging with limited to no power, heating, and water and ...
ANTHC provides training at statewide operator conference
Staff from the ANTHC Department of Rural Utility Management Services (DRUMS) presented at the Alaska Rural Water Association (ARWA) conference in Anchorage. The annual gathering, which provides training for water and wastewater operators from across the state, was held Oct. 31-Nov. 3. DRUMS personnel often share their rural sanitation expertise, including new solutions and emerging technologies. Pierre Costello, lead civil engineer, delivered an overview of ANTHC’s custom treatment system for the Selawik water plant. William Hickey, utility operations specialist, presented ...
The Harvard Honoring Nations awarded the Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative (ARUC) with its highest award on Wednesday, Oct. 12 during a special presentation at the National Congress of American Indians conference in Phoenix, Arizona. ARUC was one of six semifinalists from Tribal programs across the country, out of an original field of 87 applicants. Harvard Honoring Nations is an award of The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, a project of the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard ...
ANTHC is making great strides in sanitation construction across Alaska. The innovative, complex ongoing work is often centered on building and upgrading water and sanitation facilities so that our people in rural Alaska can live healthier lives, and the community infrastructure can run effectively and affordably. This season, construction crews have: Continued construction for fully-piped water and sewer systems in Eek, Kwethluk and Lower Kalskag; Installed more than 15 miles of water and sewer main, almost seven miles of service ...