Category: Healthy Homes and Communities

ANTHC is committed to strengthening our Alaska Native and American Indian workforce and developing future Alaska Tribal Health System leaders by sharing information on the various job opportunities that support Tribal health. ANTHC Engineering staff, Sean Driskill, Engineering Project Manager, and Kevin Tuning, CAD Manager, recently presented a unique aspect of their work for the students at the Hydaburg Middle and High School. They met with more than 25 students, teachers and parents who were there to learn more about ...

Download PDF of graphic above by clicking here. The winter months in Alaska come with more hours of darkness and cold, and harsh weather conditions that can be tough on your home. It can be challenging to stay warm and protected from the elements. ANTHC’s Rural Energy Initiative program has several tips that can help you not only keep warm as winter approaches, but save money by reducing the use of energy. Weatherize your doors and windows One of the ...

In Golovin, a community of 156 people on Alaska’s west coast about 70 miles east of Nome, 98 percent of the homes are now on the community’s piped water and sewer system. For many of the homes, this is first-time water service. ANTHC worked with the community for many years prior to construction to coordinate the funding and design of the project, and local construction crews recently completed a five-year, life-changing water and sewer project. The project included a new ...

In January, the St. Michael community water and sewer system froze. With 10 miles of frozen aboveground pipes, it was obvious that recovering and repairing the water and sewer system would be difficult. Local operators, supported by ANTHC’s Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative (ARUC), started thawing water and sewer mains immediately in January. Unfortunately, thawing the entire 10 miles of water and sewer lines would not be possible until early summer. With assistance from ANTHC, the community is beginning the work ...

ANTHC’s efforts have helped make water and sewer service more affordable for the residents of Chevak and Noorvik, two Alaska Rural Utility Collaborative (ARUC) member communities in western Alaska. Monthly water and sewer rates in Noorvik decreased from $175 to $157.50 per month in the last year, while Chevak rates decreased from $165 to $85 per month in the last two years. Reduced energy costs and more customers were key to lowering rates. Both communities saw large cost savings from ...

After the Hurricane Irma storm cleared, a rapid public health response was needed for the citizens of the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. On Sept. 14, ANTHC Environmental Health and Engineering’s Safety Program Coordinator, Christopher Fish, a Lieutenant Commander in U.S. Public Health Service, was deployed to Puerto Rico to help with Hurricane Irma recovery efforts. The Commissioned Corps for the United States Public Health service offer their talents to the Alaska Tribal Health System as part of their ...