Category: Healthy Homes and Communities

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a $20 million investment to address energy and climate challenges in five communities in the Bering Straits region. The grant funding will support development and installation of community-scale solar arrays and battery energy storage systems in the communities of Brevig Mission, Elim, Koyuk, Savoonga, and Teller. Design and construction of the new systems will be led by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC), and the project will ultimately lead to ratepayers ...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommended $24.2 million in funding through the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant program (CPRG) for an ANTHC-led project to install 1 MW wind turbines and battery energy storage systems in the communities of Chevak and Toksook Bay. These clean energy projects will be transformative for both local microgrids, providing more than half of the electricity used in Chevak and Toksook Bay. The projects will also benefit the electrically intertied communities of Nightmute and Tununak. ANTHC’s Rural Energy ...

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and ANTHC’s Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation (HANF) have partnered to manage a rapid response fund on behalf of Tribes. 100 percent of proceeds will be directed to the Native Village of Kotzebue to help respond to the coastal storm and devastating flooding in northwest Alaska last week. ANTHC and HANF partnered with the Native Village of Kotzebue to manage the Fund so Tribal officials and first responders can focus on recovery. The natural disaster ...

Aniqsaaq is an Inupiaq word that means “to breathe.” The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Mayo Clinic are partnering on the Aniqsaaq research study for Alaska Native adults who want to breathe freely without cigarettes. The objective of the study is to evaluate a family-based financial incentives intervention. The study is open to Alaska Native adults who want to quit smoking cigarettes. Participants will join the study with one adult family member who will support them. Study participants will ...

By Yereth Rosen – April 22, 2024 The Yup’ik village of Newtok, perched precariously on thawing permafrost at the edge of the rapidly eroding Ninglick River, is the first Alaska community to begin a full-scale relocation made necessary by climate change. Still, the progress of moving to a new village site that is significantly outpacing relocation efforts at other vulnerable Alaska communities, remains agonizingly slow, say those who are in the throes of the transformation. “There is no blueprint on ...

As winter loosens its grip and temperatures rise, many of us eagerly look forward to spring and summer activities, such as harvesting hooligan or picking greens. For many regions, the thawing of winter snow can bring danger. Floods triggered by melting snow, often referred to as snowmelt floods or spring thaws, pose significant risks to both property and lives. As the snow melts, it can overwhelm rivers, streams and drainage systems, leading to rapid rises in water levels. By taking ...