Category: Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation

Each year, ANTHC’s Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation honors individuals for their dedication and outstanding contributions to the Alaska Tribal Health System and their communities with the Luminary Awards. Nominations for the Raven’s Ball Luminary Awards are being accepted through close of business Friday, Oct. 21. Awardees will be honored at the 10th annual Raven’s Ball Saturday, March 25, 2017 at the Hotel Captain Cook in Anchorage. The Raven’s Ball is one of Alaska’s premier black tie parties and dynamic fundraising ...

Our Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation Luminary Award winners are individuals recognized for their exceptional dedication and contributions to the Alaska Tribal Health System. Awards were presented April 2, and we are highlighting the winners. The Community Spirit Award was presented to Mike Williams Sr., Native Village of Akiak, in recognition of his advocacy for sobriety and subsistence rights. Mr. Williams is often recognized in state and national Tribal gatherings calling for a life of sobriety and fighting for subsistence rights. ...

Our Healthy Alaska Native Foundation Luminary Award winners are individuals recognized for their exceptional dedication and contributions to the Alaska Tribal Health System. Awards were presented April 2, and we are highlighting the winners. The Distinguished Provider Award was presented to the Savoonga Community Health Aides and Practitioners of the Norton Sound Health Corporation for their dedication to their community’s health. They are Rosemary Akeya, Jordan Annogiyuk, Brianne Gologergen, Dorothy Kava, Danielle Reynolds, and Mary Ann Seppilu. As the only ...

Our Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation Luminary Award winners are individuals recognized for their exceptional dedication and contributions to the Alaska Tribal Health System. Over the next few weeks, we will spotlight the winners. The President’s Legacy and Leadership Award was presented to Dr. Matthew Schnellbaecher, Cardiology Medical Director, Alaska Native Medical Center. Dr. Schnellbaecher has been a tireless advocate for expanding cardiology services in the Alaska Tribal Health System since he joined the hospital in 1996. Dr. Schnellbaecher has helped ...