Category: Health Training and Education

Effectively sharing health information is a key component of positive health outcomes and patient safety. Health literacy is one of the seven focus areas of the Wellness Strategies for Health initiative, a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to promote health and wellness for Alaska Native and American Indian people. Through the grant, Alaska Native Epidemiology Center staff collaborated with ANTHC Human Resources to create the “Always Use Teach-back!” interactive learning module to the ANTHC HealthStream Learning ...

ANTHC has long been a champion of health training and education as a means to provide the best quality health care for our people. Internal medicine grand rounds at ANMC have been offered regularly since 1999 as part of a coordinated effort of the Alaska chapter of the American College of Physicians (ACP) to provide relevant continuing medical education (CME) opportunities for Alaska’s health care providers. Grand rounds, the traditional medical education lecture and case studies presentation, have been adapted ...

The curriculum for Alaska’s Dental Health Aide Therapist (DHAT) program was recently approved by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, through ANTHC’s partnership with Iḷisaġvik College in Barrow. This newly accredited degree program offers DHAT students the opportunity to earn an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. In addition to the two-year AAS degree, which helps create broader career pathways for DHAT graduates, Iḷisaġvik will award a DHAT certificate upon completion of the first year of study. The program ...

ANTHC’s Tobacco Prevention and Control program offers an annual Tobacco Treatment Specialist (TTS) training for those interested in becoming Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists. This five-day intensive training teaches health care professionals the necessary skills to provide effective, evidence-based interventions for individuals who are ready to quit using tobacco. This year’s training took place Sept. 26-30 and 40 health care professionals from 16 communities across the state attended including Dental Health Aide Therapists (DHATs), Community Health Aide Practitioners (CHAPs), Behavioral Health ...

Beginning in 2015, with a funding award from the National Cancer Institute, the Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) cancer education team launched a series of interactive, online cancer education modules (CHAP Distance Learning Network releases new cancer education modules) to address a need for accessible cancer education in rural Alaska. The education program has continued to develop and rollout engaging learning modules as they are completed. The ninth module, “Tobacco and Cancer,” was recently released; the final module “Eating Well, ...

ANTHC is committed to strengthening our Alaska Native and Native American workforce and developing future Alaska Tribal Health System leaders by offering a number of summer internships. This summer, ANTHC was thrilled to welcome several summer interns to different departments across campus. This week we are highlighting Karolyn Ceron, an intern in Community Health Services who worked with our Wellness & Prevention department and Alaska Native Epidemiology Center (EpiCenter). Read a previous profile on mentorship at ANMC here, other Community Health ...