Category: Health Training and Education

ANTHC partners with a variety of educational programs to bring the best professionals into our Tribal health system. In 2016, ANTHC and our Tribal health partners welcomed two physicians from the University of Washington Global and Rural Health Fellowship, a new program designed to provide clinical training and education in traditionally underserved health care systems. ANTHC’s partnership for this new program with the University of Washington (UW) began in 2015. Recognizing that physicians in internal medicine or emergency medicine rarely ...

ANTHC’s Health Promotion program was awarded a competitive grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture for Food Distribution Program Nutrition Education (FDPNE) in 2016. This funding allows grantees to provide nutrition education services to Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservation (FDPIR) participants. ANTHC’s FDPIR provides a monthly supply of nutritional food to more than 700 people in 18 rural Alaska communities. In an effort to promote healthy eating habits, encourage the use of more fruits and vegetables and share new ...

This week, the Indian Health Service (IHS) announced its plans to begin a process to expand the use of community health aides at IHS-operated and Tribally managed facilities across the U.S. This announcement follows a Tribal consultation period announced in June 2016. In the Alaska Tribal Health System, we have seen the success of the Community Health Aide Program (CHAP), Dental Health Aide Therapists, Behavioral Health Aides and their role in increasing access to quality care at our Tribally managed ...

The ANTHC Tobacco Prevention Program is working with our Tribal health partners to offer online tobacco treatment specialist (TTS) training. Three participants from each Tribal health region are invited to take the online course beginning January 11 and ending March 22. The Tobacco Prevention Program first tested the training this spring on the Alaska Native Health Campus with ANMC providers and other partners. This second pilot course will help inform course improvements before going live for other participants later in ...

Effectively sharing health information is a key component of positive health outcomes and patient safety. Health literacy is one of the seven focus areas of the Wellness Strategies for Health initiative, a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to promote health and wellness for Alaska Native and American Indian people. Through the grant, Alaska Native Epidemiology Center staff collaborated with ANTHC Human Resources to create the “Always Use Teach-back!” interactive learning module to the ANTHC HealthStream Learning ...

ANTHC has long been a champion of health training and education as a means to provide the best quality health care for our people. Internal medicine grand rounds at ANMC have been offered regularly since 1999 as part of a coordinated effort of the Alaska chapter of the American College of Physicians (ACP) to provide relevant continuing medical education (CME) opportunities for Alaska’s health care providers. Grand rounds, the traditional medical education lecture and case studies presentation, have been adapted ...