Category: Health Training and Education

This article appears courtesy of Norton Sound Health Corporation and Lance Johnson, NSHC Behavior Health Services Director. NSHC Behavioral Health and Village Heath Services have partnered with the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) to provide a resiliency program for Community and Behavioral Health Aides. ANTHC developed this special e-learning curriculum for rural, front-line health providers across the state, titled Healthy Healers. The idea is simple: health and community workers will be more likely to continue serving Alaska Native communities ...

The ANTHC HIV/STD Prevention Program is excited to announce a new multimedia educational campaign free to people and communities in Alaska – Safe in the Village. Safe in the Village is a culturally relevant video program to help open up conversations about healthy relationships and safe behaviors with Alaska Native youth. The program was developed for youth ages 15-19 but is also suitable for middle-school aged youth. The Safe in the Village program has two components: 1) A 30-minute movie ...

Dr. Anne Lanier, a longtime public health pioneer, dedicated clinician and mentor, was recently inducted into the Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame. Dr. Lanier began her career in Alaska in 1967 at the Alaska Native Medical Center. As a family practice physician, medical epidemiologist, researcher and administrator, Dr. Lanier has spent a lifetime promoting health and wellness among Alaska Native people. She saw many young Alaska Native people dying of cancer. She asked why, and after finding no answers, sought ...