Category: Health Technology Services

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) and Southcentral Foundation (SCF) have launched Tinitun, a mobile app that helps campus visitors locate providers or clinics with ease, discover campus food options, find the nearest shuttle, mark the location of their parked cars and more. The Tinitun app includes indoor turn-by-turn directions inside the Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC) hospital, specialty clinics and Anchorage Native Primary Care Center. The Tinitun app, the first of its kind in Alaska, is available for ...

The Spring 2021 Mukluk Telegraph newspaper is now online!Featuring these stories: ANMC staff celebrates our nurses!ANMC Surgical System technologyMental Health Awareness Month activities Also, check out these health tips: ATV SafetyBoating Safety Or this recipe for bok choy with moose stir-fry and a special recap of the Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation’s Raven’s Resilience Celebration. The Mukluk Telegraph is the official newspaper of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. We are continuously working to protect and care for our community throughout Alaska while we address the COVID-19 pandemic and ...
The Alaska Native Medical Center recently purchased technology that allows additional capabilities in our operating room, allowing for minimally invasive surgical procedures for our patients. The da Vinci XI Surgical System, also referred to as a surgical robot, assists surgeons with laparoscopic surgery, allowing them to do more detailed, complex surgeries. When a patient has a minimally invasive surgical procedure, it often means less pain and pain medications, shorter recovery times, reduced hospital stays, and getting back to their daily ...

Health care technology management (HTM) professionals are vital members of any world-class health care delivery team. At the Alaska Native Medical Center, clinical engineers, biomedical equipment technicians, and other highly skilled professionals use their expertise to ensure the safety, efficacy, and availability of life-saving health care technologies for our Alaska Native people, all while keeping health care costs down. This year, Healthcare Technology Management Week is May 19-25. The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation states: “This annual celebration ...
MyHealth: Your portal to wellness

Patients now have greater access to their limited health record and health care team thanks to MyHealth. MyHealth is a health management tool provided by Cerner® and a way for patients to access some of their health records online. MyHealth is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) compliant and provides you with the ability to securely view, store, and share your health information, and conveniently communicate with your health care provider. Organizations of the Alaska Tribal Health ...

“I love remote monitoring!” That was the reaction of Erik Weber, Buckland’s water plant operator, after ANTHC Tribal Utility Support personnel recently installed more than 30 sensors in the community’s water treatment facility. Remote monitoring systems collect information such as temperatures, pressures and flow rates and, using an internet connection, display them on a webpage. This allows operators and others to troubleshoot problems at a distance and to track and collect data which could help reduce fuel and electricity waste. ...