Category: Health Advocacy

When your car starts making a weird noise, how do you determine what the problems are? You first see what warning lights show up, then you might pop the hood and investigate further based on what you see. Those warning lights or indicators of your car’s well-being are similar to the Leading Health Indicators that the Healthy Alaskans project uses to measure the state’s health as a whole. Every decade, the Healthy Alaskans project chooses a certain number of health ...

After a successful first year as a direct host site for AmeriCorps VISTA members, ANTHC is again hosting VISTAs who will support our vision that Alaska Native people are the healthiest people in the world. AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) members devote a year of their time to tackling pressing issues in rural communities impacted by poverty. This year, ANTHC hosts seven members who will work on projects spanning the state. They will work with a variety of ...

The American Cancer Society – Alaska Advisory Board honored the Consortium this summer, along with five fellow contributors to cancer recovery. ANTHC was the first organization in Alaska selected for the 2019 Innovator Champion Award for dedicating expertise and ingenuity to fight cancer in Alaska Native communities and beyond. Many Alaskans experience the challenging toll of cancer. The ANMC Oncology and Hematology Clinic specializes in providing a range of services for our people. The Consortium’s Cancer Program within ANTHC Community ...
Safe and convenient medication disposal options available from ANTHC

In 2017, there were 102 overdose deaths involving opioids throughout the state of Alaska—a rate of 13.9 per 100,000 persons. Prescription opioids (such as hydrocodone, oxycodone and morphine) are prescribed by doctors to treat moderate to severe pain. However, they have serious risks and side effects, including dependency, addiction, overdose and accidental poisoning. In order to assist in the prevention of substance misuse and accidental poisoning, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium now provides free medicine disposal products through the iknowmine ...

Gastric cancer, commonly known as stomach cancer, is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the lining of the stomach. Alaska Native people experience higher rates of gastric cancer than other groups in the United States. This past July, the Consortium hosted a two-day panel of Alaska Native community leaders, health care providers and gastric cancer experts from around the globe. The goal of the meeting was to identify the best methods to combat the disease Alaska Native ...
Serving the Copper River region, ANTHC opens second field office

Shilah Kellso was recently hired as ANTHC’s Regional Liaison for the Copper River area. After spending a few weeks at ANTHC’s offices in Anchorage learning about the ANTHC resources available to support Tribal members in the Copper River region, Kellso is at Copper River Native Association (CRNA) as of early September. The regional liaison will be located in CRNA’s large clinic between Glennallen and Tazlina. In addition, she will travel once a month to check in with Chistochina and Mentasta ...