Category: Health Advocacy
In a 7-2 ruling, the United States Supreme Court today resoundingly affirmed the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). “Today’s ruling protects what Tribes and our families have always known, connection to culture and identity is critical to the health and well-being of our children, families, and communities,” said Valerie Nurr’araluk Davidson, President/CEO of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. “People will do the most extraordinary things for the right reasons. Children, family, and community are always the ...

Please join us to celebrate the 2023 graduates of the Alaska Dental Therapy Education Program (ADTEP) and congratulate the transitioning class of 2024! The in-person ceremony will at the Grant Hall Auditorium, located on the Alaska Pacific University campus, at 2 p.m. Thursday, June 8 and streamed on Facebook Live. See the Facebook event for details and to watch. The ADTEP is in collaboration with Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Iḷisaġvik College. Dental Health Aide Therapists (DHATs) provide professional and culturally ...

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Mayo Clinic are working together. We wish to learn ways to help Alaska Native people who smoke to quit with help from family. You may be eligible to participate if you: Those who join this study will look over materials we would like to use in the study. We will then ask you to give us your thought by phone. The interview will take about one hour. Participants will receive a $25 Visa ...
Alaska Native Medical Center Purchased Referred Care Travel Program

ANMC Purchased Referred Care (PRC) offers limited benefits to eligible Alaska Native and American Indian beneficiaries to help with emergency medical care while traveling outside of Alaska. Patients who meet ANMC’s eligibility criteria and residency requirements qualify. To meet residency requirements, the individual must not have been absent from Alaska for more than 180 days; and intend to live in Alaska indefinitely. Individuals who move back to Alaska must live in Alaska for at least 180 days, with the intent ...
National Recovery Month 2021

Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community. September is National Recovery Month. Observing Recovery Month helps to increase awareness and understanding of substance use disorders, increase knowledge of recovery resources and provide support by sharing personal stories of addiction and recovery. This year’s theme for National Recovery Month is Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community. Substance use treatment and mental health services can support those with a mental and/or substance use disorder to ...

During the summer of 2021, the residential area of Stebbins, in northwest Alaska, saw homes throughout the community installed with 10 Mini Portable Alternative Sanitation Systems (PASS). Watch the following video about the installation of this important new system and the significance of clean water in rural Alaska. You can also view photos and read additional information on the MINI PASS system and its set up here: