Category: Health Advocacy

The ANTHC Behavioral Health Wellness Clinic is offering a new group to improve parenting and caregiving skills. Ayuq is a group where individuals can learn skills to better take care of the children in their lives (current custody is not required). Ayuq is a 12-week workshop starting Tuesday, Oct. 8, and will be offered every Tuesday from noon-1 p.m. This group blends traditional Alaska Native knowledge and Western psychotherapy to help group members from a culturally informed lens. Weekly group topics ...

Aniqsaaq is an Inupiaq word that means “to breathe.” The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Mayo Clinic are partnering on the Aniqsaaq research study for Alaska Native adults who want to breathe freely without cigarettes. The objective of the study is to evaluate a family-based financial incentives intervention. The study is open to Alaska Native adults who want to quit smoking cigarettes. Participants will join the study with one adult family member who will support them. Study participants will ...

Sarah Mattie, ANTHC RN, has been named as a 2024 Go Red for Women ambassador! She is one of eight Alaska women to be chosen as an ambassador. “As a heart failure survivor and congenital heart disease carrier, the Go Red for Women campaign is so important to me because it serves to educate women on the signs and symptoms and how to advocate for the proper treatment and care,” Mattie said. “It took nearly a year after my first ...

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) released The Unmet Needs of Environmentally Threatened Alaska Native Villages: Assessment and Recommendations. The nationally significant Unmet Needs Report recommends comprehensive policy changes and robust resources to support Alaska Tribal communities adapting to climate change. The report is the result of a unique partnership between ANTHC, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the State of Alaska. The report includes contributions of more than 150 people—representing 11 Tribal communities and seven Tribal organizations. “The ...

Please join us in raising awareness for breast cancer on Indigenous Pink Day, Thursday, Oct. 19, by participating in our Instagram photo contest! ANTHC’s Health Promotion and Cancer Program invite all Alaskans to wear pink on Thursday, Oct. 19, post a photo on Instagram using the hashtag #IndigenousPink, tag @anthctoday, and tell us why you wear pink in the caption. Contest rules: 1. Follow the ANTHC Instagram page (@anthctoday). 2. Take a photo of yourself wearing pink and post it ...

Be a hero. Carry naloxone. ANTHC encourages community members to join us for a naloxone drive-thru training and distribution event on Saturday, Sept. 16 from noon-3 p.m., at the Alaska Native Health Campus in the parking lot next to the pond, southwest of the ANMC hospital. All community members are welcome. Fentanyl has been fueling the opioid epidemic. Fentanyl-related deaths have dramatically increased in Alaska. Learn how to recognize signs of an opioid overdose and how to administer naloxone, a ...