Category: ANTHC

Life gets busy for us all. It can be hard to keep up with our important health care appointments. To help improve the patient experience, ANTHC is launching an automated alert service to keep important medical appointments at the top of your list. Beginning mid-March, patients receiving care in ANTHC Specialty Clinics at the Alaska Native Medical Center will receive save the date, confirmation and reminder text messages on their cell phones for their medical appointments. This new automated service ...

Help us celebrate and cheer on our friends, neighbors, relatives and everyone in recovery! This March is Alaska’s sixth statewide Sobriety Awareness Month. We encourage everyone to wear a white ribbon throughout the month to promote awareness of mental health and substance misuse disorders, celebrate individuals in long-term recovery and acknowledge the work of prevention, treatment and recovery support services. Looking for ways to get involved? Here are some additional ways to help provide support:

From its inception, ANTHC has been dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of Alaska Native people. Meeting the unique public health challenges of rural Alaska’s communities takes more than dedication and perseverance. Sometimes it takes ingenuity.  John Warren, a civil engineer and director of Standards and Innovation at ANTHC, knows the public health, safety and climate issues concerning rural communities. He works with ANTHC Environmental Health and Engineering engineers and public health specialists who turn ideas into ...

Updates for patients and visitors of the Alaska Native Medical Center The Alaska Native Medical Center hospital is welcoming the new year with changes to masking requirements and visitation policies.  Masking optional: Per CDC guidelines, masking is now optional for patients, visitors and staff at ANMC hospital when you are feeling well and have no symptoms of cold or flu. Masks will continue to be provided at all open entrances. Masking may be required in certain situations and staff will practice ...

Alaska Native and Native American full-time students interested in working in a health care related field can apply for one of the ten available $5,000 scholarships. The online application opens on March 1, 2023 and closes on March 31, 2023 at 5 p.m. Our Board of Directors established this scholarship to increase the number of Alaska Native and Native American people working in healthcare fields; this is a competitive scholarship that is open state-wide. Click here for the Application Checklist. ...

Congratulations to ANMC DAISY Award winner, Miriam Goodson and ANMC BEE (Being Excellent Every Day) Award Winner, Whitney Powell RN. DAISY and BEE Awards are considered from nominations received directly from patients and colleagues. Goodson and Powell were nominated by a co-worker and patient guardian, respectively. ANMC’s nurses provide culturally appropriate, family-centered care in a unique hospital environment, and they are constantly seeking ways to improve services and care we provide. In an effort to further recognize the outstanding work ...