Category: ANTHC
Traditional foods nourish our people
For years, Alaska Native leaders negotiated with the U.S. Department of Agriculture for permission to serve traditional foods to those who could most benefit from their healing and comforting effects. ANTHC is a long-time advocate for the positive aspects of harvesting and eating traditional foods – and the ability to serve them to our patients and visitors at the Alaska Native Medical Center. ANMC Food and Nutrition Services currently serves a variety of traditional foods to our people who are ...
Have a safe and happy Independence Day with these summer health and safety tips from the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. Boating safety: Boating safety tips from ANTHCEye safety when fishing: Fish on! Protective lenses help you keep your eyes on the prize this summer
In just two years, the ANTHC Palliative Care Program has taken many steps to ensure that our Alaska Native people have access to resources in order to receive the care they choose. For their efforts, the program has been honored with the Indian Health Service Director’s Award for extending Advance Care Planning resources to the Alaska Tribal Health System. According to IHS, the award “recognizes service significantly advancing the IHS mission and goals through work focused on IHS priorities: People, ...
ANTHC’s pharmacists continually go above and beyond to provide the best care to our people. The ANTHC Pharmacy Team and two ANTHC pharmacists were recently recognized for their outstanding efforts by the Indian Health Service (IHS). The ANTHC Pharmacy Team won the national IHS Fostering Relationships Award for providing Nighthawk Inpatient Pharmacy Services in conjunction with Norton Sound Health Corporation (NSHC) and SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC). Through the partnership between NSHC and ANTHC pharmacies and SEARHC and ANTHC ...
This year, the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) is recognizing ANTHC Environmental Health and Engineering’s work to improve the health of Alaska Native people with four awards. The Newtok Relocation to Mertarvik Sustainable Planning Team received an Indian Health Services (IHS) Director’s Award, which recognizes efforts beyond regular duty requirements resulting in significant benefits to IHS programs, customers, or fulfillment of the IHS mission. The project is in the early stages of helping the community of Newtok ...
This story also appears in the April – June issue of the Mukluk Telegraph available online. Since 2003, the Alaska Native Medical Center has been Alaska’s only Magnet®-recognized hospital, which acknowledges high quality patient care, nursing excellence and innovations in professional nursing practice. Our nurses display commitment and excellence through professional development and evidence-based practice at ANMC. In addition to their work and education, many of ANMC’s nurses participate in shared governance and the Magnet journey — ANMC is currently ...