Category: ANTHC

This spring, Alaska-based Partnering for Native Health Program was one of five global programs awarded at the World Justice Challenge: Access to Justice Solutions, a global competition aimed to “identify, recognize and promote good practices and successful solutions to improve access to justice.” A collaborative effort between the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, the Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC), and Alaska Pacific University (APU), Partnering for Native Health Program trains health providers to screen patients for potentially health-harming legal needs ...

The Director of the Indian Health Service (IHS) recognizes individuals or groups of employees whose special efforts and contributions, beyond regular duty requirements, have resulted in significant benefits to IHS programs, priorities, or customers and fulfillment of the IHS mission. Commander Shad Schoppert, ANMC Supervisory Facilities Management Engineer, received the 2018 IHS Director’s Award for his exceptional leadership of the ANMC Facilities team following the 7.1-magnitude earthquake on Nov. 30, 2018. Cmdr. Schoppert, along with other award winners throughout the ...

In partnering with a Tribal health organization in need of support, ANTHC has been honored with the Indian Health Service Director’s Award for helping to improve the quality and delivery of pharmaceutical care services at the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation (BBAHC). The ANTHC leadership consultative team that earned the award was headed by Vivian Echavarria, VP of Professional and Support Services, Capt. Kara King, Director of Pharmacy, and Cmdr. Sara Doran-Atchison, Manager Pharmacy Quality Improvement. According to IHS, the ...

Clockwise from left to right: Joyce Martin, Matthew Brown, Mary Krusen and Meg Mapili. ANMC’s nurses display their commitment and excellence through professional development and evidence-based practice when caring for our people. In addition to their work and education, many of ANMC’s nurses participate in shared governance, on councils that consult and collaborate with each other to make the best decisions to successfully facilitate and ensure quality patient care and outcomes. In May, ANMC celebrates and thanks our nurses during ...

One of ANTHC’s top priorities is increasing access to care for our people. As more than 60% of our patients travel from outside the Anchorage area for care, increased patient access also means increased demand for travel and housing services. ANTHC is working on key initiatives around travel management and housing. These are important to ANTHC’s strategic goals to increase coordination and access to care within the Tribal health system.  ANTHC’s Travel Management Office (TMO) was established in July 2016 ...

When the call for nominations came out for IHS Technician of the Year, a large number of employees at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC), thought of the same person at the same time: Jolene “JoJo” Chikigak. Chikigak is a certified pharmacy technician and currently serves as the Pharmacy Compliance Technician for Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC), the largest IHS hospital in the nation. She is the first technician to fulfill this new role for the organization, and she ...