Category: ANTHC

The Fall 2020 Mukluk Telegraph newspaper is now online featuring health and wellness tips, including information about keeping your woodstove healthy, handwashing tips, how to find your COVID-19 test results and more! The Mukluk Telegraph is the official newspaper of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. At ANTHC, we are continuously working to protect and care for our community throughout Alaska while we address the COVID-19 pandemic and other health concerns. As of now, the Mukluk Telegraph has moved from ...

Dr. Christina Anagick Darby, ANMC Sleep Medicine Medical Director, recently received the President’s Award for Health from the Alaska Federation of Natives. The President’s Health Award is given to an Alaska Native who has improved health care for Alaska Natives. Dr. Darby is Inupiaq and Tlingit, a Tribal Member of the Native Village of Unalakleet and a shareholder of the Bering Straits Native Corporation, who nominated her for this award. Dr. Darby has worked at ANMC since 2016. She completed ...

We are several months in to a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Everything looks a little different these days. People in masks out in public, Plexiglas barriers at most public places, physical distancing protocols and people practicing hand hygiene more vigilantly than ever. Now, flu season is also upon us and it’s time to take one more precautionary measure to keep ourselves and those around us healthy and safe from infection. Get your flu vaccine now. This simple thing will help protect ...

With cold weather encouraging people to stay inside near a warm fire, now is a good time to think about how the proper maintenance of our woodstoves can protect our safety and health, as well as the longevity of the stove. It’s important to keep tabs on what you are burning and how it burns. For instance, a black, soot-filled window on your woodstove can be an indication that maintenance is needed, or burning practices need to be changed. A ...

Whether it is trying to stay physically distant – while socially connected, finding ways to keep our children involved in activities and education, or businesses changing the way they reach customers, all Alaskans are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Coping with these changes has led to responses and situations that can be characterized as critical incidents. At  ANTHC, the Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) team, comprised of trained staff and behavioral health providers, supports the mental health and well-being of ...

September is recognized as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and this year COVID-19 has put undue strain and anxiety on our people, families and communities across Alaska. During the month, the ANTHC Injury Prevention Program wants to provide resources and actions that show the resiliency and strength of our people and Alaskans across the state. Bounce Back Photo Contest – submit your photos here About the contest: Open to all Alaskans.Three age groups: under 19; 20-39; 40 and older.One winner from ...