Category: Alaska Native Medical Center

The Spring 2021 Mukluk Telegraph newspaper is now online!Featuring these stories: ANMC staff celebrates our nurses!ANMC Surgical System technologyMental Health Awareness Month activities Also, check out these health tips: ATV SafetyBoating Safety Or this recipe for bok choy with moose stir-fry and a special recap of the Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation’s Raven’s Resilience Celebration. The Mukluk Telegraph is the official newspaper of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. We are continuously working to protect and care for our community throughout Alaska while we address the COVID-19 pandemic and ...

The Alaska Native Medical Center recently purchased technology that allows additional capabilities in our operating room, allowing for minimally invasive surgical procedures for our patients. The da Vinci XI Surgical System, also referred to as a surgical robot, assists surgeons with laparoscopic surgery, allowing them to do more detailed, complex surgeries. When a patient has a minimally invasive surgical procedure, it often means less pain and pain medications, shorter recovery times, reduced hospital stays, and getting back to their daily ...

Being a nurse under normal circumstances is hard work. And during this last year, working as a nurse during the COVID-19 pandemic added multiple unique challenges. Nurses at the Alaska Native Medical Center provide high-quality, patient-and-family-centered care. Our nurses display their commitment and excellence through professional development, evidence-based practice, and innovations in their professional nursing practice at ANMC. And in addition to their work and education, many of ANMC’s nurses participate in shared governance which shapes the work they do ...

Chief Clinical Consultants are appointed by the Chief Medical Officer of the Indian Health Service (IHS) to serve as advocates for improved patient care across the Indian health care system for a term of three years. Commander (CDR) Molly Rutledge, ANMC Speech and Language Pathologist in the Pediatrics Department, received her Master of Arts degree in speech-language pathology (SLP) from the School of Health Professions at the University of Kansas and completed her clinical fellowship year in Ewa, Hawaii. She ...

Small changes can make a big impact for you and your family. Choose healthy drinks for a variety of healthy lifestyle benefits.One of the easiest changes to make is to swap out sugar-sweetened beverages for healthier drinks such as water.  By choosing water more often, we can prevent tooth decay, diabetes and obesity.When focusing on health, parents often try to switch out sugary foods but are often unaware of how much added sugar their children (and themselves) are consuming through what we drink. ...

March is Alaska’s statewide ode to sobriety awareness and celebrating our friends, neighbors, relatives, and all who are in recovery. As we approach the fourth year of the state’s Sobriety Awareness Month, it is important to acknowledge how we can and should support Alaskans in recovery from addiction to alcohol and drugs. Every Friday in March, the Consortium is sharing a video series featuring five individuals who are living sober. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to hear their stories of recovery, how ...