Category: Alaska Native Medical Center

This year, the Alaska Native Medical Center celebrates its 25-year anniversary as a Level II Trauma Center, first receiving designation in 1999. In 1996, ANMC received designation as Alaska’s first Level III Trauma Center. Upon reverification in June 1999, ANMC received an upgraded designation as a Level II Trauma Center, which was also a first for any hospital in Alaska. ANMC first received verification as a Level II Pediatric Trauma Center in 2018. These achievements recognize ANMC’s dedication to providing ...

Ongoing demolition and construction activities for the ESE Expansion project will continue to create noise and vibrations at the ANMC hospital. Construction Update: Construction crews are nearly through with brick and footing demolition! The demolition of existing footings and brick on ANMC’s east side is scheduled to be complete early week of Nov. 18. As crews finish the last bit of brick demolition on the second floor exterior and use jackhammers to breakup and remove the last of footings, this ...

Ongoing demolition and construction activities for the ESE Expansion project will continue to create noise and vibrations at the ANMC hospital. Construction Update: Brick demolition continues at the east side, north corner of the ANMC hospital. This will create noise and vibrations as the brick is removed from the exterior of the building. Brick demolition will continue through the month of October into early November. Demolition of existing footings and retaining walls continues. This will create noise and vibrations as ...

Ongoing demolition for the ESE Expansion project will continue to create noise and vibrations at the ANMC hospital. Construction Update: Demolition of the entry to the old Emergency Department is tentatively scheduled for the week of October 7. This work will create noise and vibration. Construction crews continue demolition of the exterior brick on the east side of the ANMC hospital in the north corner, and of existing footings and retaining walls. This work will create noise and vibrations as construction crews ...

Ongoing demolition for the ESE Expansion project will continue to create noise and vibrations at the ANMC hospital. Construction Update: This week, construction crews started demolition of the exterior brick on the east side of the ANMC hospital in the north corner. This work is anticipated to take two weeks – crews will be working north to south. This work will create noise and vibrations as the brick is removed from the exterior of the building. There is ongoing demolition of existing ...

Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a very contagious respiratory illness caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. Toxins caused by the bacteria can cause airway inflammation.  With kids across Alaska starting school next week, this is a good time to ask your primary care provider about vaccination if you or your children are not already vaccinated. The best way to prevent pertussis is to get vaccinated. How does pertussis spread?The bacteria that cause whooping cough spread easily from person to person through ...