Category: Alaska Native Medical Center

Effective May 3, 2022, the temporary visitation policy at ANMC has moved to Level Yellow. Visitation will continue to be limited, but we are moving to this level to best support our patients’ health and healing by permitting limited visitation and expanding visiting hours to 8 a.m.-9 pm. Permitted visitor guidelines can be found in the matrix below. Visitors must: Be assessed for symptoms at an entry screening station;At the hospital, the front rotunda and skybridge are the only entrances ...

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) and Southcentral Foundation (SCF) have launched Tinitun, a mobile app that helps campus visitors locate providers or clinics with ease, discover campus food options, find the nearest shuttle, mark the location of their parked cars and more. The Tinitun app includes indoor turn-by-turn directions inside the Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC) hospital, specialty clinics and Anchorage Native Primary Care Center. The Tinitun app, the first of its kind in Alaska, is available for ...

At the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, we not only provide health care at the Alaska Native Medical Center, we also promote health and wellness initiatives that help keep you out of the hospital to begin with. As we prepare for another winter, we want to make sure all people are prepared with information and simple actions to protect our communities, our families and yourself from respiratory illnesses, such as flu, COVID-19, RSV and common colds, as well as winter ...

Congratulations to ANMC DAISY Award winner, Paula K. Ayojiak, RN in Inpatient Pediatrics. DAISY Awards are considered from nominations received directly from patients and Ayojiak was nominated by her pediatric patient for the excellent care she provides. This past quarter, Ayojiak received three nominations. In an effort to further recognize our nurses for their outstanding work, ANMC partners with the DAISY Award, an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care given by nurses every ...

The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Alaska Native Medical Center, Southcentral Foundation, and ANMC laboratory recently received the Patient Safety “Beacon” Award from The Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Home Association (ASHNHA). The ANMC Laboratory is operated collaboratively by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium and Southcentral Foundation, and is led by Dr. James J. Tiesinga, Laboratory Medical Director. The Beacon Award highlights demonstrated above-and-beyond safety-related performance. This year, the awards review committee and ASHNHA staff selected Dr. Tiesinga, on ...

ANMC Purchased Referred Care (PRC) offers limited benefits to eligible Alaska Native and American Indian beneficiaries to help with emergency medical care while traveling outside of Alaska. Patients who meet ANMC’s eligibility criteria and residency requirements qualify. To meet residency requirements, the individual must not have been absent from Alaska for more than 180 days; and intend to live in Alaska indefinitely. Individuals who move back to Alaska must live in Alaska for at least 180 days, with the intent ...