What’s a patient survey and why should you participate?
November 19, 2024
After a specialty clinic appointment, Emergency Services Department visit, day surgery procedure or hospital stay the Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC), patients may receive a survey by text, email or mail asking for their feedback. Participating in these surveys is a great opportunity to make your voice heard and to help us make improvements at ANMC.
ANMC partners with Press Ganey to help us administer patient surveys and ensure all responses are confidential. While ANMC uses the data from surveys for quality improvement purposes, the patient’s identity is never shared with direct care staff.
“We value ANMC patients and their feedback,” said Coleen Fett, ANMC Vice President of Patient Quality and Experience. “By participating in patient surveys, your results directly help us make patient care improvements at the Alaska Native Medical Center.”
After a hospital stay at ANMC, patients may receive an HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) survey, which is a valuable tool that is used by hospitals across the nation. HCAHPS surveys are provided to patients either by email or mail.
HCAHPS survey results are publicly available and can be accessed by anyone. Publicly sharing results helps hospitals to be transparent and improve the quality of care and patient experience.
If you receive a text, email, phone, or mail survey from Press Ganey inviting you to provide your feedback, we would appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey. Please also make sure your phone number, email, and home address are up to date so you can receive information about survey participation. Patient surveys help us collect feedback directly from our patients about the care they received at ANMC.
To learn more about HCAHPS, visit https://www.cms.gov/medicare/quality/initiatives/hospital-quality-initiative/hcahps-patients-perspectives-care-survey.