Recognized for innovation, the LEO program launches new LEO Reporter mobile app
February 12, 2016Categories: ANTHC, Healthy Homes and Communities

This week, ANTHC was recognized for innovation in development of the Local Environmental Observer (LEO) Network by Dennis McLerran, EPA Regional Administrator and JoAnn Chase, Director of the American Indian Environmental Office. We share this award with our LEO Network membership, consisting of more than 100 dedicated volunteer local environmental observers located across Alaska and the technical scientific support experts assisting from state and federal agencies. In addition to the award presented at the Alaska Forum for the Environment conference, ANTHC released the new global LEO Reporter mobile app and interactive website. The LEO Reporter app is the latest development to increase connectivity among the LEO Network and followers interested in the impacts of climate change for our Arctic communities. The LEO Viewer app was launched in 2015 on the heels of President Obama’s visit to Alaska as a way to increase access and improve data management and analytical features of the network. LEO Reporter features a global map and data interface, and allows observers from anywhere in the world to post climate change observations through text and imagery posted to the LEO Network. LEO Reporter is available for download for iPhone and Android phones. The app includes interactive maps, a search engine to explore the LEO observation database and optional observation updates from the Network. Users engage with topic experts and become part of the global climate change observer community. For more information about LEO Reporter, visit