March is Sobriety Awareness Month
February 24, 2020
Alaskans are coming together to celebrate Sobriety Awareness Month in March. By celebrating sobriety, we are celebrating all individuals in all stages of their recovery path. This month provides an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate those who actively chose to live without using harmful substances. Show your support by wearing a white Sobriety Awareness Ribbon throughout March—free awareness ribbons can be picked up at the ANMC Information Desk and ANTHC’s Healthy Communities Building, Suite 201.
The statewide observance educates Alaskans that substance use treatment and mental health services can help those with mental and substance use disorders to live healthy and rewarding lives. The Substance Misuse Prevention Program at ANTHC has collaborated with Recover Alaska to promote Sobriety Awareness events happening throughout Alaska. To visit a list of events check out Recover Alaska’s News and Events.
The ANTHC Substance Misuse Prevention Program will also host tabling events throughout the month where people can pick up a ribbon and safe medication disposal bag. Tabling events include:
Wednesday, March 4, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – ANMC hospital by the craft shop.
Thursday, March 5, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Patient Housing at ANMC lobby.
Tuesday, March 10, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Patient Housing at ANMC lobby.
Thursday, March, 19, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Patient Housing at ANMC lobby.
Tuesday, March 24, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – ANMC hospital by the craft shop.
Sobriety includes recognizing the importance of recovery, how recovery can change lives, the many pathways that people take to achieve long-term recovery, and the community it takes to sustain it. Together, Alaskans can continue to spread the message that treatment is effective and people can and do recover every day.
To celebrate those in recovery, ANTHC invites you to post a photo, quote, or story of what sobriety looks like to you on social media. All posts tagged with #AKSobrietyAwareness will be entered to win Sobriety Awareness prizes.
Many people have been touched by recovery and/or sobriety, whether they have a friend, loved one, or community member choosing to live without drugs and alcohol, or they are living a sober lifestyle themselves. According to the yearly Behavioral Risk Factor Assessment survey, in 2018, more than half of the surveyed population of Alaska Native people (56.6%) stated that they had not consumed alcohol in the past 30 days.
The decision to seek a sober life, or begin the recovery journey is not easy; however, Alaska Native people have cultural and social support systems that can aid in recovery.
Mental Health and Substance Use Services
If you, a family member, or friend needs help in the recovery journey, resources are available.
- Recover Alaska: (907) 249-6645 or visit
- Alaska Careline—Alaska’s Suicide Prevention & Someone to Talk to Line: 1-877-266-HELP(4357) or visit
- Alaska 211: Dial 211 from any Alaska phone number or visit
- Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, SUD Residential Treatment Statewide Bed Availability:
Sobriety and Recovery Resources
- ANTHC’s Substance Misuse Prevention Program—email: | phone: 907-729-3547
- Recover Alaska News and Events
- Faces and Voices of Recovery