Health and Human Services Secretary learns about Tribal health challenges in visit to Alaska Native Health Campus
August 25, 2017
Last week, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price met with Tribal leaders from across the state, hosted by ANTHC.
The visit marked Secretary Price’s first trip to Alaska and offered the opportunity to learn more about our Tribal health system, partnership with the Indian Health Service and health care challenges facing Alaska Native people. These vary throughout the state, but with every region represented, Secretary Price heard about the importance of federal funding for health care and aging Tribal facilities, suicide prevention, opioid and drug prevention, and health issues associated with lack of water and sanitation in rural communities.
In addition to the positive reception and new understanding of our health challenges, Secretary Price also had the opportunity to see the programs and initiatives that are working well in our Tribal health system. He and his staff toured Alaska Native Medical Center and ANTHC’s Patient Housing at ANMC to see the top quality of care and access that we strive to provide.
ANTHC welcomed the opportunity to connect Secretary Price to our statewide partners and help illustrate the health challenges for our people for national partners such as U.S. Health and Human Services leaders.
See more media coverage and information on Secretary Price’s trip to Alaska:
- Native groups hold up health care systems as a model for visiting Health and Human Services secretary
- Q&A: U.S. Health Secretary Tom Price discusses his trip to Alaska
- Readout of Secretary Price’s Visit to Anchorage, Alaska