Facts about Alaska Native health care, federal funding and Medicaid payments
February 19, 2016Categories: Health Advocacy

As Medicaid expansion has been implemented in Alaska and another open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act comes to a close, many questions have arisen about Alaska Native health care and additional health care coverage, such as Medicaid and insurance. The Consortium aims to share factual information with our Tribal partners, our providers and our people to dispel misunderstandings about Alaska Native health care, insurance coverage, and our Alaska Tribal Health System. Myth: If I have additional health care coverage such as Medicaid or private insurance, I can get care somewhere other than the Alaska Native Medical Center or my Tribal health care facility and I’m freeing up space for someone who needs it. Fact: You help improve coverage, access, services and care for our people when you use your insurance or sign up for Medicaid at ANMC or your Tribal health facility. ANMC provides world-class care, but government funding only provides around half of the funds needed for basic levels of health care for our people. When you use your private insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, disability or Denali KidCare, you cover those gaps while strengthening the Alaska Tribal Health System and providing the best care for our people. Health benefits specialists at ANTHC can help you learn about programs you may be eligible for at (907) 729-5696. Learn more about the Affordable Care Act and the Indian Exemption by visiting www.anthc.org/aca, emailing healthreform@anthc.org or calling (907) 729-7777.