Celebrating those in recovery: Alaska’s Sobriety Awareness Month

March 1, 2022

Help us celebrate and cheer on our friends, neighbors, relatives and everyone in recovery! This March is Alaska’s fifth statewide Sobriety Awareness Month.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see how people across the state are talking about sobriety. Discover the ways that culture, community, health and support inspire Alaskans in their recovery journeys. Join the #AKSobrietyAwareness conversation each week by commenting with what recovery means to you!

We also encourage everyone to wear a white ribbon throughout the month to promote awareness of mental health and substance misuse disorders, celebrate individuals in long-term recovery and acknowledge the work of prevention, treatment and recovery support services.

We want to hear from you! Fill out this short survey to receive a care-package by mail with white ribbons and other Alaska Sobriety Awareness swag throughout the month of March.

Create your own user feedback survey

Looking for more ways to get involved? Here are some additional ways to help provide support:

Download and share the Sobriety Awareness Month poster!

For feedback, questions, or support for Alaska’s Sobriety Awareness Month please contact ANTHC’s Substance Misuse Prevention Program at saprevention@anthc.org.

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