Campus construction update: Emergency Services Expansion – July 11, 2024
July 11, 2024
Starting Friday, July 12, the Alaska Native Health Campus will see significant traffic and parking impacts due to construction activities for the Emergency Services Expansion project. Please allow yourself more time to get to campus and remain alert for traffic pattern changes and detour signage.
The remainder of the ANMC east side parking lot will be taken offline for construction activities beginning on Friday, July 12. A three-week partial road closure of Tudor Centre Drive will begin on Tuesday, July 16.
Upcoming Road Closure:
Starting Tuesday, July 16, a portion of Tudor Centre drive will be closed for three weeks. Construction crews will be doing underground utility work, which requires closure of a portion of Tudor Centre Drive between the northeast side of the ANMC hospital/Denali Parking Garage and the Nuka Learning and Wellness Center. This road closure is expected to continue into the week of August 5.
Please remain alert and aware of construction activities when driving or walking on campus.
Parking Update:
Starting Friday, July 12, construction crews will begin to extend their construction footprint in the ANMC east side parking lot, taking spaces offline as cars leave the lot. This process will continue throughout the weekend and the construction fence will be extended. At this point, day parking will no longer be available in the ANMC hospital east lot – with the exception of some ADA accessible parking and short-term parking for Emergency Room patient drop offs.
There will be a traffic flagger present in the lot to ensure drivers are aware of alternate parking locations and do not park in designated emergency vehicle areas.
Additional parking locations include: the ANMC Patient Housing Parking Garage (north of the hospital), the Denali Parking Garage (east of the hospital), and the Flattop Mountain Parking Garage (south of the hospital).
Stay up-to-date with the latest Emergency Services Expansion project news and information here: