Building public health infrastructure in Tribal communities to strengthen disease prevention and health promotion
December 19, 2017
The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion has awarded a new five-year cooperative agreement to increase the capacity of Tribal Epidemiology Centers to deliver public health functions to, and with, the Tribes/villages in their Indian Health Service (IHS) Area.
A total of approximately $8.5 million was awarded in fiscal year 2018 to the 12 Tribal Epidemiology Centers and to one National Coordinating Center. In addition, the ANTHC Alaska Native Epidemiology Center, one of the 12 Tribal Epidemiology Centers awarded, was awarded the role of National Coordinating Center. The ANTHC Alaska Native Epidemiology Center will provide project organization, support for collaboration and communication, and performance evaluation support for the funded Tribal Epidemiology Centers.
The awards will contribute to reductions in chronic diseases and risk factors, reductions in disparities in health outcomes, and improvements in overall health by building public health capacity and infrastructure in Indian Country for disease surveillance, epidemiology, prevention and control of disease, injury, or disability, and program monitoring and evaluation.
The Alaska Native Epidemiology Center (EpiCenter) is located within ANTHC Community Health Services. The EpiCenter provides public health and epidemiologic services to Tribal health organizations and the Tribal communities they serve.
For more information about the Alaska Native Epidemiology Center, visit
Related: EpiCenter publishes second edition of Alaska Native Health Status Report: