Application deadline extended – ANTHC Leadership Development Programs
June 10, 2024Categories: ANTHC, Health Training and Education

The deadline to apply for our leadership development programs has been extended to Sunday, June 23. The programs are designed to help Alaska Native and American Indian professionals improve supervisory, management and leadership skills. They run from September 2024 to May 2025.
- Pathways to Leadership is open to ANTHC and Tribal health organization staff. Participants are at all levels of their career, with or without formal education, seeking to improve leadership knowledge and skills. Earn a Certified Supervisor Certification and CE’s or APU Credits.
- Leadership Excellence Through Advancement and Determination (LEAD) is open to ANTHC and Alaska Tribal Health System organization staff. Lead is for experienced supervisors, managers, and Pathways graduates who are ready to advance their leadership skills. Earn either APU credits or a Certified Manager Certification.
- Alaska Native Executive Leadership Program (ANELP) is open to ANTHC staff. ANELP is the smallest cohort, with the most APU modules, comprised of participants with several years of managerial level and above work experience. Earn a graduate level certificate.Learn more about each program, including eligibility, and how to apply here:
Participants can and are encouraged to complete multiple programs. Pathways, LEAD and ANELP are designed to be complementary and progressive.
Learn more about each program, including eligibility, and how to apply here:
For more information, please contact ANTHC Training & Development at 907-729-1301 or email