ANTHC staff graduate leadership programs
June 16, 2017
ANTHC is committed to developing its Alaska Native and American Indian workforce. At the same time, it’s important to employ staff who are interested in continuing their education, developing professionally and gaining leadership skills. Luckily, there are plenty of determined professionals in our Native community working to help achieve ANTHC’s vision that Alaska Native people are the healthiest people in the world.
Two ANTHC staff members are amongst the most recent graduates from Alaska Pacific University’s (APU) Alaska Native Executive Leadership Program (ANELP), designed to give students in-depth knowledge in key functional business areas.
Desirae Roehl, Senior Program Manager with Community, Environment and Health, and Charlene Walker, Outreach Enrollment Patient Financial Services Manager, completed the nine-month graduate certificate program.
Alaska Native organizations partnered with APU to develop ANELP, a uniquely Alaskan executive education program. The program provides future Alaska Native executives with the foundational knowledge to excel in today’s competitive business climate and the know-how to build a holistic approach to identifying areas for improvement and strategies for change.
Congratulations to all the 2017 ANELP graduates: Michelle Aregood, Cynthia Berns, Tamara Brown, Chelsa Dorman, Alisha Drabek, Tara Durand, David Fenn, Pamela Finnesand, William Gornto, Lauren Johnson, Laura Knowles, Tanya Komakhuk, Christopher Koski, Amanda Matson, Richard Porter, Desirae Roehl, Marie Stewman, Lindsy Swing, Charlene Walker and Scott Warren.
Students who successfully complete the program receive a graduate certificate in Alaska Native Executive Leadership from APU. Credits earned can be applied toward APU’s Executive MBA Program.
2017 ANTHC Leadership Programs graduate
The Consortium also provides ANTHC Leadership Programs for Alaska Native and American Indian staff who are looking to achieve short-and long-term professional development and leadership training.
ANTHC graduated staff from its two programs: Pathways to Leadership and Leadership Excellence through Determination (LEAD). Pathways to Leadership is for Alaska Native and American Indian entry-level employees who are interested in becoming supervisors, executive assistants or moving into entry-level management positions. LEAD program participants gain valuable skills in the areas of: effective communication, metrics and risk management, building organizational capabilities for change, effective leadership, public speaking and process improvement in leadership development.
Congratulations to the 2017 ANTHC Pathways to Leadership graduates: LeEdra Andrew, Program Associate; Geremy Clarion, Sr. Telehealth Systems Integration Specialist; Christopher Darling, Property Management Specialist; Jerod Jones, Construction Manager, Heather Amy Mercado, Health Benefits Specialist Supervisor; Oxcenia O’Domin, Program Administrator; Chanel Ortiz, Assistant Case Manager; John Rukovishnikoff, Sr. Journeyman Facilities Technician; Benjamin Staheli, Sr. Journeyman Electrician; and Jonathan Victoriano, Computer Support Specialist.
Congratulations to the 2017 ANTHC LEAD graduates: Julianna Fuqua, Clinical Engineering Project Coordinator; Tonya James, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator; and Craig Wood, Health Facility Engineer/Architect.