ANTHC regional office in Dillingham
August 10, 2022
Heidi Kritz was recently hired as ANTHC’s regional liaison for the Dillingham area. Kritz grew up in Aleknagik and Togiak, but has lived in Dillingham since 2009. Having lived in the region as well as working for the Bristol Bay Native Association (BBNA), Kritz is eager to lend her knowledge and assistance to the people of her community. Prior to working for ANTHC, Kritz worked for BBNA in natural resources and worked with Tribal members focusing on subsistence and Native ways of life. After completing a legislative course, Kritz sparked an interest in working for Tribal health care which led to wanting to work for ANTHC.
As an enrolled member of the Traditional Village of Togiak, Kritz is looking forward to being a strong resource for her community and being a point of contact for education and outreach. She also shares a strong passion for recovery from drug and alcohol misuse, resource advocacy and overall connecting her people and community to health care services. Kritz’s office is located in the Kanakanak Hospital and serves the Bristol Bay Health Corporation service area, which comprises around 28 villages. She can be reached at (907) 729-2888 or by email at