ANTHC Food and Nutrition Services assumes operations of ANMC Cafeteria and Patient Housing Café
April 25, 2024
After listening to extensive feedback from patients, visitors and staff about campus food service, ANTHC will fully assume operations of Food and Nutrition Services at the Alaska Native Medical Center (ANMC) Cafeteria and Patient Housing Café beginning on May 1.
Operating these services will allow us to continually assess and improve our food service operations and offerings. Additionally, the in-house management of Food and Nutrition Services (FANS), will allow ANTHC to expand our Traditional Foods program and offerings.
In advance of the operational changes, ANTHC directly hired: Amy Foote, Executive Chef and Director of Traditional Foods; Cynthia Davis, Food Services General Manager; and Milos Lustig, Food Services General Manager. ANTHC also extended employment offers to all existing food services staff and began hiring new positions earlier this week. To see all ANTHC’s job openings, including FANS positions, visit
ANTHC is excited for the opportunity to expand our traditional foods program and elevate our campus food offerings to patients, visitors and staff on campus.