ANMC moving to Level Yellow: limited visitation and expanded visiting hours
May 3, 2022Categories: Alaska Native Medical Center

Effective May 3, 2022, the temporary visitation policy at ANMC has moved to Level Yellow. Visitation will continue to be limited, but we are moving to this level to best support our patients’ health and healing by permitting limited visitation and expanding visiting hours to 8 a.m.-9 pm. Permitted visitor guidelines can be found in the matrix below.
Visitors must:
- Be assessed for symptoms at an entry screening station;
- At the hospital, the front rotunda and skybridge are the only entrances open to the public. They are open from 7 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. Weekends and after hours, patients and visitors must enter through the Emergency Department.
- Respond to screening questions;
- Provide full name and contact number for visitor log;
- Follow all directions from staff;
- Always wear a mask covering both nose and mouth;
- Wash or sanitize hands often;
- Always stay in the room with the patient.
More information about visiting is available by calling the Alaska Native Medical Center at (907) 563-2662 or online at
Please note that these temporary levels of visiting guidelines will change as needed for the safety of patients, staff and our community. Check online or call ANMC for the latest information.