ANMC hospital reverified as Level II Adult and Pediatric Trauma Center
April 11, 2022
The Alaska Native Medical Center was recently reverified as a Level II Adult and Pediatric Trauma Center by the Verification Review Committee (VRC), an ad hoc committee of the Committee on Trauma (COT) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS). ANMC was Alaska’s first Adult Level II Trauma Center – first receiving verification in 1999. ANMC first received verification as a Pediatric Trauma Center in 2018. These achievements recognize ANMC’s dedication to providing optimal care for both adult and pediatric injured patients.
“It is a privilege to be recognized as a center who provides the highest level of adult and pediatric trauma care in the state of Alaska,” said Dr. Elisha Brownson, ANMC Trauma Medical Director. “This designation is an accomplishment shared by multiple departments across the hospital, our administration, and the care provided at our Tribal health organizations. We are proud to provide excellent trauma care throughout the full spectrum of injury, including prevention, acute care and rehabilitation.”
ANMC is one of two Anchorage hospitals providing the highest level of trauma care and services in Alaska and is the referral center for every Tribal health facility in the state. ANMC offers a wide range of trauma care services. It admits between 800-900 trauma patients per year. The site reviewers were especially impressed by ANMC’s commitment to injury prevention and the quality of care provided, despite the vast geographical distances patients are required to travel as they are transferred to receive care in Anchorage. Specialty care response times and access to needed surgical procedures for trauma care were found to be exceptional.
Verified trauma centers must meet the essential criteria that ensure trauma care capability and institutional performance, as outlined by the ACS Committee on Trauma in its current Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient manual. Established by ACS in 1987, the COT’s Consultation/Verification Program for Hospitals promotes the development of trauma centers in which participants provide not only the hospital resources necessary for trauma care, but also the entire spectrum of care to address the needs of all injured patients.
The ACS COT’s Consultation/Verification Program for Hospitals does not designate trauma centers. Rather, the program confirms that a trauma center has demonstrated its commitment to providing the highest-quality trauma care for all injured patients. The Alaska Trauma Systems Review Committee (TSRC) awards the actual establishment and the designation as a trauma center in Alaska. The TSRC has designated ANMC as a Level II Adult and Pediatric Trauma center through 2025. This designation confirms that ANMC is providing optimal care for critically injured patients throughout every step of their trauma care.