Bereavement and after death resources


Staff at the Alaska Native Medical Center offer our heartfelt condolences to you for your loss, and we are committed to continued support as you experience this difficult time that is a part of every journey.

Thank you for entrusting us with the care of your loved one.

We understand that things can feel very overwhelming and you may have more questions than answers. Reach out to friends and family that can assist you. We offer the following tips as a guide.

Before You Leave ANMC

1. Please take the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns with the patient care team.

2. Collect valuables and all personal items belonging to the deceased.

3. Grief support at ANMC

If you or other family members would like immediate counseling for grief and loss, our Behavioral Urgent Response Team can be called upon your request.

If there are young children who may need grief support, please let the Nurse know. Our Child Life Specialists are available to assist.

Spiritual support is available by request: ANMC welcomes your preference of clergy members, or a selection can be made from our list of on-call contacts. Staff can contact your request accordingly.

Let staff know if you have any special requests that the spiritual affiliate should be made aware of (communion, other rituals).

4. Make plans for final arrangements of the deceased

If transportation or other accommodations are needed, please discuss with staff.

Choose a local funeral home that you would like to care for your loved one (a list of funeral homes can be provided for your convenience). Contact the funeral home to give the authorization for pick up and transport of remains. Inform the staff of the funeral home you have chosen.

If you or another family member will be taking custody of the remains, transporting and / or arranging transport, please see the Burial Transit Permit information (document linked below).

Documents and other resources