APU Alaska Tribal Health System scholarship
Alaska Pacific University offers a scholarship for current/active employees, board members, and dependents of the Alaska Tribal Health System. The tuition scholarship provides awards up to 30% of tuition at APU for degree or certificate programs or 100% for up to five high school student dependents for the Early Honors program. Employees, board members, and their dependents must complete the scholarship application and be admitted to APU by the deadlines to be eligible for the term of enrollment.
Scholarship Application
- Complete the ATHS scholarship application, employment verification authorization form and submit a copy of your Certificate of Indian Blood documentation (if applicable) by the deadlines as set by the APU Financial Aid Office, dependent on the University Academic Calendar.
Employment Verification Submission Requirement Updates
- Employment verifications are due no later than the Friday before your first class begins. Some examples are below:
- If you are enrolled in Session only courses, your employment verification must be received no later than the Friday before SESSION starts.
- If you are enrolled in Block & Session, your employment verification must be received no later than the Friday before BLOCK starts.
- Employment verification forms cannot be submitted more than 30-days before the start of the semester. Early submissions will be rejected, and you will be required to resubmit.
Contact the Financial Aid Office at 907-564-8341 or financialaid@alaskapacific.edu if you have questions regarding eligibility or submission deadlines.
Scholarship availability, terms, and conditions are reviewed annually.
Contact Information
- APU Office of Admissions: (907) 564-8248 or admissions@alaskapacific.edu.
- ANTHC (for eligibility questions based on your employment): (907) 729-1301 or learning@anthc.org.
- To speak with someone about career opportunities at ANTHC, please contact careers@anthc.org or call (907) 729-1301.
ANTHC Employee Match Scholarship
APU will match up to an additional 25% of the remaining total tuition due that is the student’s responsibility to pay, after the ATHS scholarship is applied. To qualify, the ANTHC employee must be Alaska Native or American Indian. Please submit a copy of your Certificate of Indian Blood documentation along with your employment verification form to the Financial Aid Office. APU match will not exceed the remaining cost of tuition.
Eligibility is determined the same way as the ATHS scholarship above using the scholarship application on the APU website.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I have to pay ANTHC back if I end my employment during the semester I have the scholarship?
No, there is no general repayment clause. - Do I need to be a full-time employee to receive the scholarship?
No, part-time employees and their dependents may be eligible. Contact learning@anthc.org with additional eligibility questions. - What if I have to quit my job during my graduate degree internship? Will ANTHC still help pay the tuition?
No, but you can keep the scholarship for a semester you already started.
Scholarship eligibility and approved costs
- If myself or my dependent get the discount this semester, do we have to apply every semester? Or does it renew automatically if I am still enrolled in courses?
You must be meeting SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress), enrolled in a degree-seeking program, and employed by a Tribal health organization in order to receive this tuition discount. You do not need to re-apply for the scholarship prior to each term. However, recipient eligibility is verified each semester through employer verification. Students are responsible for submitting updated employment verification documentation prior to each semester they plan to attend. The terms and conditions of this scholarship are for the current school year only and will be reviewed annually. - In order to attend college, my child would have to move to Southcentral Alaska. Are portions of room and board reimbursable under this plan?
This plan only applies to the cost of tuition. Room, board and other fees are the student’s responsibility. The amount may not exceed the remaining cost of tuition when combined with other institutional scholarships and discounts, APU donor-funded scholarships, Federal Student Aid grants, and state scholarships and grants. - Does any portion of my costs for books or other supplies qualify for scholarship funding? Or is it only for tuition?
This plan only applies to the cost of tuition. Room, board and other fees are the student’s responsibility. The amount may not exceed the remaining cost of tuition when combined with other institutional scholarships and discounts, APU donor-funded scholarships, Federal Student Aid grants, and state scholarships and grants. - Is the scholarship for one semester or a year?
Recipient eligibility is verified each semester through employer verification. A recipient must be meeting SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress), enrolled in a degree program, and employed by a Tribal Health Organization in order to receive this scholarship. The terms and conditions of this scholarship are for the current school year only and will be reviewed annually. - Do I pay the tuition and then get reimbursed?
The scholarship will be applied to the total cost of tuition based on the qualifying degree program. Students will be responsible for any other costs not covered by the scholarship. - What if I drop or withdraw from the classes?
APU billing policies will apply, which are determined by the date at which courses are dropped or withdrawn. Contact APU Financial Aid and Registrar offices before dropping any classes. - What if I am already a current student at APU? Am I still eligible?
As long as you are otherwise eligible, you may receive this scholarship. Please submit a scholarship application as soon as possible. - Is there a limit to the number of people who can participate?
There are no restrictions on undergraduate and graduate level scholarships. However, there are five scholarships available in the Early Honors program. - What if I have other outside scholarships?
The amount may not exceed the remaining cost of tuition when combined with other institutional scholarships and discounts, APU donor-funded scholarships, Federal Student Aid grants, and state scholarships and grants. However, student loans and private scholarships can help pay the remainder of your balance. - What if I don’t get into APU? Can ANTHC help me appeal?
Admission into APU is at the discretion of the University. If denied, you can submit an Admissions Decision Appeal form to the APU Director of Admissions. - Is this offer transferable to UAA or the distance course I’m already enrolled in?
No, this program is only for enrollment at APU. - Is this a trial program? Could I lose my funding after a year?
The terms of this scholarship are for the 2021-2022 academic year only. Scholarship terms and conditions are reviewed annually. - Are there any programs that do not qualify for the ATHS Scholarship?
Yes. Specialty programs, like the Alaska Native Executive Leadership Program (ANELP), and any partnership programs where students are receiving discounted tuition and/or fee rates, such as the Undergraduate Health Occupations Certificates, do not qualify.
- Who is considered a dependent?
Refer to ANTHC Human Resources policy for definition of dependents. Contact ANTHC with any questions. - Are dependents for this scholarship determined by the same process as a legal dependent for benefits coverage? (e.g., my live-in boyfriend’s son – would he qualify?)
Refer to ANTHC Human Resources policy for definition of dependents. Contact ANTHC with any questions. - Who is considered an Alaska Tribal Health System employee or Board member?
An employee who works for one of the 31 Tribal health organizations recognized by the Indian Health Service and/or serves on their Board of Directors. - Does the word “dependent” include spouses or only children?
Refer to ANTHC Human Resources policy for definition of dependents. Contact ANTHC with any questions.
Academic requirements
- If I or my dependent fails a course, do I have to reimburse ANTHC for those costs?
No, there is no requirement for reimbursement but it may impact future eligibility. - Is there a set amount of time that I must obtain my degree (e.g., within 5 years)?
No, however there are academic time limits and financial aid time limits as described in the University catalog. - Is there a minimum number of credits per semester I have to enroll in to qualify?
One course is the minimum requirement. - Can I be non-degree seeking?
The program is only available for degree-seeking and certificate-seeking students at APU. - If my program requires an internship, will ANTHC help me find one?
You would work directly with APU’s career services office for these kinds of opportunities but ANTHC may be an internship option depending on your program. - What degree programs are eligible for the 25% scholarship?
25% scholarships are not available. All degree and certificate programs are eligible for a 30% scholarship. - What degree programs are eligible for the 50% scholarship?
50% scholarships are not available. All degree and certificate programs are eligible for a 30% scholarship. - Is there a GPA requirement for continuing to receive the scholarship? Can I get Fs or incompletes and still get additional scholarships to retake classes?
Students must be meeting SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress). The terms of this scholarship are for the current academic year only. Scholarship terms and conditions are reviewed annually. - If I’m already enrolled in courses and already paid, can I receive reimbursement?
No, this is a scholarship program and does not offer tuition reimbursement. To receive this scholarship, you must apply by the deadlines as set by the Financial Aid Office dependent on the University Academic Calendar. Contact Financial Aid at financialaid@alaskapacific.edu ASAP if you have questions regarding eligibility or submission deadlines.