Category: Alaska Native Medical Center

At the Alaska Native Medical Center, we continually strive to provide high-quality, compassionate care for all of our patients and families. Patient feedback in the form of comments, concerns, complaints and compliments, helps inform us of where we need to make improvements to better the patient experience. How do we collect your feedback? One way is by conducting a follow-up survey after a hospital stay. After you or a loved one return home from your hospital stay at ANMC, you ...

For years, Alaska Native leaders negotiated with the U.S. Department of Agriculture for permission to serve traditional foods to those who could significantly benefit from their healing and comforting effects. ANTHC has long been at the forefront communicating the positive aspects of harvesting and eating traditional foods and advocating for permission to serve them to our patients and visitors at the Alaska Native Medical Center. In 2013, a bill from former Alaska U.S. Sen. Mark Begich called The Traditional Foods ...

Our growth at ANMC focuses on improving access to care as well as improving the quality and experience of the care we provide for our people. This week, ANMC’s Internal Medicine, Podiatry and Pulmonary Clinics opened in our new location in the Healthy Communities Building (HCB) on the west side of the Alaska Native Health Campus. These new clinics add an additional 20,000 square feet of clinic space to our campus. The third floor of the HCB was remodeled for ...

For years, Alaska Native leaders negotiated with the U.S. Department of Agriculture for permission to serve traditional foods to those who could really benefit from their healing and comforting effects. ANTHC has long been at the forefront of advocating for the positive aspects of harvesting and eating traditional foods- and permission to serve them to our patients and visitors at the Alaska Native Medical Center. In 2013, a bill from former Alaska U.S. Sen. Mark Begich, named the “The Traditional ...

ANMC is constantly working on improvements to our processes and procedures, especially those focused on the safety of our patients. The ANMC Pharmacy recently updated all Pyxis stations located in our clinics and inpatient areas, almost 80 stations throughout Anchorage and the Valley. The old systems were replaced by The Pyxis ES system, an automated medication dispensing system supporting decentralized medication management. The Pyxis ES will help ANMC clinicians safely and efficiently dispense medications, while minimizing risk of medication errors. ...

April is National Volunteer Appreciation Month, and ANMC celebrated by recognizing our robust team of volunteers who work throughout the ANMC hospital. The vision of ANMC’s Volunteer Services is that ANMC Volunteers will be a comforting and resourceful presence to support the highest-quality patient care, and they do just that. Last year, more than 193 volunteers dedicated over 30,000 hours of support to the ANMC hospital in a variety of ways: staffing the ANMC Craft Shop, assisting clinical staff and ...