Category: Alaska Native Medical Center

March 12-18 marked Patient Safety Awareness Week, an annual education and awareness campaign for health care safety led by the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF). ANMC’s Quality Department worked to create awareness on campus by utilizing NPSF educational resources to educate hospital staff and patients. This year’s theme was “United for Patient Safety: Every Day is Patient Safety Day.” The focus of the campaign is to highlight and reinforce that everyone within the health care system has a role to ...

Our growth at ANMC is not only focused on improving access to care for our people, but also seeks to improve the quality and experience of the care we provide. The ANMC hospital turns 20 years old this fall and over the past several years, our Strategic Access team has been making needed improvements and expansions to the hospital. The latest project is an expansion project of ANMC’s Critical Care Unit (CCU), now underway at the ANMC hospital. The CCU ...

Every year, nearly 1,700 babies are born at ANMC. The safety and health of every baby delivered at our hospital is important and we want to provide families who choose to deliver at ANMC with the best resources to ensure the well-being of their child. With help from a generous Rasmuson Foundation grant for ANMC’s Family Birthing Services, ANTHC’s Healthy Alaska Natives Foundation funded 1,700 HALO SleepSack Swaddle wearable blankets for the infants born here in one year. The HALO ...

ANTHC partners with a variety of educational programs to bring the best professionals into our Tribal health system. In 2016, ANTHC and our Tribal health partners welcomed two physicians from the University of Washington Global and Rural Health Fellowship, a new program designed to provide clinical training and education in traditionally underserved health care systems. ANTHC’s partnership for this new program with the University of Washington (UW) began in 2015. Recognizing that physicians in internal medicine or emergency medicine rarely ...

Is your medicine cabinet full of expired drugs or medications you no longer use? How should you dispose of them? The main ANMC hospital pharmacy now has a receptacle for you to dispose of your unused, expired or unwanted medications. This is the best option for safely disposing of your medications, ensuring they are safely disposed of and do not get into the wrong hands. Some prescription medicines may be especially harmful if taken by someone other than the person ...

The Alaska Native Medical Center Vascular Laboratory and Cardiology Department recently received a three-year reaccreditation from the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) in Vascular Testing in the areas of Extracranial Cerebrovascular testing and Peripheral Venous Testing. This latest accreditation awarded to ANMC’s Vascular Laboratory and Cardiology demonstrates the ongoing commitment to providing the highest-quality patient care in vascular testing. Early detection of life threatening heart disorders, stroke and other diseases is possible through the use of vascular testing procedures within hospitals ...